View Full Version : Aching Legs

11-09-09, 17:27
Think I might have made this topic before but I was wondering if anyone can reassure me.

Do I have a blood clot or not?

Whats led me to this is the constant sitting down I do, All day from when I get up till bed time.

I do try and do some jogging on the spot or 10-15 mins on my exercise bike but thats it.

My legs constantly ache, on the thighs and at the back, the bit of leg on the other side of your shin (dont know what its called sorry lol)

What are the symptoms of a blood clot?

Could it just be anxiety and me tensing my legs all day without me knowing.


11-09-09, 17:30
i reckon its just the tension, i get this too, maybe u fidget with ur feet alot ive noticed i do this wen im anxious.

11-09-09, 17:36
Thanks for the reply

I do fidget a lot yeah lol.

I cant seem to keep my legs still most of the day

11-09-09, 17:38
lol yea thats the exact same as me then i wonder why they r sore, i dont worry about it anymore tho because its pretty obvious to me now the reason, and wen i catch myself on doing it ive been trying to put a stop to it and its bin helpin a good bit, they arent as bad today :D

11-09-09, 19:22
blood clots usually make themselves known. you'll have the pain but your leg would also likely become swollen and warm/red. what you have is muscle tension, please do not worry.

12-09-09, 00:01
Oh I get this too and yes I must admit the clot thoughts come into my head so much so that I need to getout of bed or whatever and walk around.

I notcied that I tend to get sorer thighs and back of the legs when I am due my period..

Maybe related? I dunno xx