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View Full Version : Im so scared

sarah jayne
11-09-09, 21:16
Ive had a constant headache for a month tomorrow and its not getting any better. Im in horrible pain im certain theres something seriously wrong with me. I had blood tests but they came back fine. As well as the constant headache ive been getting sharp pains down my head, ive also got pins and needles down the left side of my body. Im so scared of dying, ive got 2 children and dont want to leave them without a mum. Doctors dont seem to care, they just say its probably a tension headache. Ive never suffered from headaches before ...

11-09-09, 21:20
Yup sounds like tension headache. Loads of posts on here about them.

You also need to make sure you are not dehydrated.

sarah jayne
11-09-09, 21:34
I hope you right, thanks for your reply ! x

11-09-09, 21:57
maybe you should consider getting a brain scan, just in case, to make sure you didnt get an ingury up there.

im not a doctor so dont think i know, but just to be surre...


sarah jayne
11-09-09, 22:05
well thanks for that, thats a lovely thought for when im trying to relax and stop panicking...

11-09-09, 22:34
Hence my post about giving medical advice lol.

Ignore that Sarah ok - I am sure it is just a headache. Are you drinking enough water as well?

11-09-09, 22:36

Umm what is that supposed to mean?

11-09-09, 22:55
Administrators answer posts in the most 'level headed' way possible.

I also think the lady is suffering from tension headaches. Sounds very much that way to me.

Been there myself so i understand how it feels. Anxiety sufferers tend to look at the worst case scenario when we feel poorly, it really is just 'what we do'!

Sarah jayne...You will be fine hun. Promise ok!!

11-09-09, 23:03
im sorry sarah for making you more anxious than what you need to be... im not a doctor, i dont know. please diregard my post.

i researched tension headaches and it sounds right to me too. your doctor must care, you are his customer, and he commited himself to helping lvies of people! stay posistive!

11-09-09, 23:06
Patient is more apt than customer!


11-09-09, 23:10
Ash - thanks for clearing that up. Sorry I took it the wrong way

11-09-09, 23:18
Sarah if I remember correctly have you just come off Citalopram ? Your headaches do sound like tension ,but if you have just stopped your drugs you will be experiencing discontinuation syndrome ,one of the side effects of this is headache s .Its like the side effects when you started on them ,.It will pass eventually .Take care Luv Sue x:hugs:

sarah jayne
12-09-09, 09:18
Thanks everyone, im trying to believe that its just a tension headache, its just really hard cause ive had it for so long. I wish i didnt suffer from anxiety ! x

12-09-09, 09:25
yeah i had one of these headaches a few days ago, what i did is take some codeine paracetomol and layed on my back on my bed try and rest your eyes and maybe take a nap, i felt fine when woke up!

tried that love? x

anx mum
12-09-09, 10:55
Know exactly how u feel hun. I too have exactly the same i too have got constant headaches really stressing about it at mo. Big hugs. Bev

12-09-09, 22:08
Hi Sarah, as a long term sufferer of Health Anxiety I have had the headache manifestations and had blood tests and saw a neurologist who assured me it was down to anxiety etc offered me a cat scan which i declined on taking his word, because anxiety can cause muscle tension which is what gives you the headaches. Your doctor would know if there was need to refer you to a specialist and if your needs become so great and the headaches persist, complain to the doctor but as a chronic headache sufferer i know how tension headaches can persist. And I think it is a good thing that moderators post replies on here and also that this site is moderated so thank you guys too. Sarah try massage your head lightly using your fingertips, I also found that tiger balm helped sooth the tension, take care x

New Start
13-09-09, 04:28
Hello sarah, I know just how you feel, I too suffered for weeks with a head ache like you describe...and yes, it was from tension! Bit of a thing,as the headache causes tension because you worry about it, so it 'fuels' itself. I also felt abit dizzy,also due to panic about the headache. What we put ourselves through, eh?! My headache gradually went once i was able to relax abit,and get some good rest,and not start worrying about it as soon as i got up and starting it up again. You will be fine. Good luck!

13-09-09, 12:22
i agree its a stress headahe. I had one for over 6 weeks once and pins, needles, numbness down left side, but all tests were clear and as soon as i knew this the headahe started to go. Try asking someone to give you a back and shoulder massage it works wonders for the headahes and helps you relax