View Full Version : Another 'I'm terrified of going to uni' thread

11-09-09, 22:15
I am due to go to uni locally on Monday......and I'm terrified of the induction week.

I suffer from extreme anxiety, depression, IBS, and have problems with eating (probably due to my anxiety).

I'm 28.

I know that if I could get through induction week I'd be ok-ish with lectures. However, I've been in touch with the tutor at the uni' to ask what we will be doing in induction, and all he would say is 'It is an activities and visits week'. Aaargh! That has scared me even more! What on Earth could he mean by 'activities'???

I know what the visits are, and I'm worried about them, too. But, my main worry is this 'activities week'. I'm so shy, not at all confident, and have poor physical fitness.

I'm really doubting if I can go.

The thing is, though, I have very limited work experience. This means I've struggled for the past year to get a job, and haven't got anywhere near getting an interview because of the holes in my CV. So, I feel I have to go- this is my last chance to have a career.

But I really can't face all that bother at induction.


15-09-09, 10:11
im also very shy, although im fine with meeting people when im out just dont like meeting them in situations where i have to talk to them (like classes etc).

try not to worry about the activites, its probably nothing physical, so try to forget about your fitness etc. I would asume its just to get to know people in your class, like bonding activites and such.

obviouslt monday was yesterday, try and let us know how it went :)

Best wishes

15-09-09, 14:14

I have always been a shy person myself, which I feel led to my anxiety issues. I've gone through the whole uni process and the induction was not as bad as I thought it would be. I was increadibly nervous about public speaking but there was none of that. I assume the activities relate to getting your pictures sorted for you room passes, and getting your time tables and sorted into your collect work groups. You will also have to listen to a few speeches/talks from the dean and from your module leaders.

I don't think there are that many bonding sessions as such as I didn't go through anything like that. You will be asked your name etc in the class rooms but other than that I think its quite a boring day.

Just try not to let the fear take control of your actions. Don't let the anxiety beat you. Your perceived idea will be 100times worse than actually doing it. I suggest you try a great CBT technique of writing down from a scale of 1-10 of how scary/horrible it will be, and actually write down your fears.. then force yourself to go and at the end of the induction write down what you found afterwards.

You should quickly see that your perceived threat is wrong. By doing this you will start to dissprove your fears and therefore bit by bit become stronger and more confident.

Good luck with everything!

15-09-09, 14:50
HI, I know this is not yoru UNI but it is a site about indution week (as you can see)
have a look at this and also try entering your UNI in google.
I typed in university induction week.
Best wishes
PS you will be fine