View Full Version : Wow Derren Brown and David Blaine are making my anxiety go crazy!

11-09-09, 22:22
This is insane. I've actually had a pretty decent day anxiety wise, but as I was watching Derren Brown my heart and head were going like crazy. I've had to switch the David Blaine show afterwards off, the thing he did with the moving the letter around the dollar bill was just impossible.

I guess it's because it's things that are so outlandish that my brain can't get around them, and I'm the kind of person who likes to understand things and be in control of things. So my thoughts and anxiety have gone haywire.

Did anyone else see this program tonight and get the same thing? Or is it just me?

11-09-09, 22:26
I am watching it - I find it fascintating

Try and remember it is all magic tricks and nothing more

11-09-09, 22:36
am watching it now as well funny as it does make my anxiety go a bit as well but its to cool to turn off

12-09-09, 21:36

I was ok watching Derren Brown last night until the end when he showed a preview of next weeks programme where he's going to hypnotise anyone watching into thinking we can't get out of our chairs. I've just seen another advert for it now and it really freaks me out. My husband can't wait but I won't be able to watch it.

13-09-09, 01:56

You are correct Richd, a lot of anxiety sufferers like to have logical answers to everything and feel uneasy when they don't.

Just bear in mind that with all these Derren Browns and David Blanes it is just very well planned and practiced slight of hand, illusion and miles of film footage when their acts didn't work as they should. Nothing more or less, no matter what they might tell you.

19-09-09, 00:59
I was really scared about the sofa thing tonight and came out of the room but even upstairs I was scared I would stick to my bed -lol. But my husband said it was rubbish anyway. It didn't work and was just a con.

19-09-09, 01:26
yeah i reckon it was a con too, made me a little nervous trying it but it didn't work even tried it again later on on channel 4 +1 i was so bored tonight lol.. And yes still didn't work

19-09-09, 10:57
I watched the 'Control The Nation' episode last night, the video was underwhelming but it worked cos I felt stuck to my chair but comfortably so, a lazy kind of 'stuck'!

The dollar bill trick I saw too, it seems impressive but you can tell it's just a trick cos there's lots of things you could do with all the imagery on a bank note but he specifically moves just the letter, it's with a pressured rub by the volunteer as well so somehow that makes it less credible.

It was kind of annoying how that woman held up the 'transformed' bank note with her arm visibly shaking, she kept looking at it then back at the camera like 'woah'. Exaggeration...

I liked the part where he showed the girl around the toy shop & she eventually chose the giraffe. Sweet.

I'm surprised everyone is so amazed by the lottery guessing and the stuck-to-your-seat (the video was like 'glue' & flashed subliminal images WERE used before & after it).

19-09-09, 13:25
I was hoping nobody had left the chip pan on while they where stuck to thier chairs !

My husband followed the stuck to the chair thing but it didnt work, he was wishing it had then he didnt have to go to work today !:wacko:
