View Full Version : Can anyone help

11-09-09, 22:51

Well this is my first posting on here. Ive always suffered with anxiety, especially relating to my health. Recently however I have started to worry more about other things that I dont really need to be worrying about. I can never feel when Im going to get panicky. Theres no real build up to it. All of a sudden I am just aware that something isnt right.

Another thing Ive started to experience is a feeling of not really being 'real' and a bit like everything is a dream. As you can probably imagine this in turn causes me to become panicky. This 'Dream' feeling is really confusing and i was wondering if anyone else experiences it and can explain to me what it is, because its starting to make me think its something really sinister. Ive also noticed a lack of concentration and fatigue.

I have been to my Dr who has refered me to a counsellor. I just wanted to know what other peoples opinion was.

Thank you :blush:

distorted reality
11-09-09, 23:22
classic anxiety symptoms. It's called derealisation or depersonalisation. I think probably 90% of this site's visitors experience it. You'll find plenty of threads on this subject in these forums.

13-09-09, 21:42
okay so why you have derealization:

fight or flight response mechanism in brain gets stuck on reply with excessive panic attacks...

I have it too so dont worry, it goes away the less you think on it.. concentration fatigue thing is all part of it. me i cant concentrate in school at times and then i feel REALLy tired. Your not alone

I have that "something's is not right" feeling too. it diminished after a while but know that panic attacks can happen without warning.

I'm a doctor so dont rely on my info.. but if you want to know more, private message me or something, ok?

*Hugs* Ashlyn