View Full Version : Panic attacks without racing heart

11-09-09, 23:05

This is my first post here. I'm writing because I went through ten years of absolutely crippling panic disorder with agorophobia, and then found treatment with medication - xanax 3X per day - that worked, along with exposure therapy and biofeedback (except in some limited circumstances, like crowded restaurants or airplanes). That was 12 years ago. Well, I don't know what to make of what's happened.

However, I've recently begun to have panic attacks again, quite a bit. I've come so far and I'm so frustrated because I've set up a new job to work as a teacher. To do this, I've been through 4 years of college now.

Here's the main reason why I'm here: I know I have fairly classic panic attacks, but now that the internet exists and I'm looking up information about them, I have no idea why I don't get a racing heart or anything even remotely like it during most of my attacks. Additionally, my attacks sound more FAST and much worse than what I hear described. Every one feels totally catastrophic, and when they're coming every few minutes in public, that's really exhausting.

This is what my attacks are like:

When I'm at home, I'm fine. I don't have the kind of spontaneous attacks I used to have about 50 times a day.

But the second I'm in a public situation involving sitting down, forget it. If I can leave, I'm fine and have zero anxiety/agorophobia. But suddenly, almost overnight, I'm having bad general anxiety while:

- sitting in a class (I'm about 3 more years away from finishing college)
- driving, especially at night, in traffic, or over bridges
- eating at restaurants
- going out at night, period

BUT, what's worse, suddenly I'm having panic attacks everytime I have to speak publicly. Even in a small classroom setting of a few people, or amongst friends. I don't feel judged at all and have never had social phobias. This is weird.

AND I don't understand my panic attacks. This is what they feel like (it can come on within about 5 seconds and usually no more than 20 seconds, and resolves back to a state of anxiety as soon as I reach the end of what I'm describing, usually in about a minute... but it can recur over and over and over again until I get home):

- I'm already feeling anxious and slightly derealized when they come on, so my defenses are low
- Suddenly, I feel extremely faint and my heart seems to beat more slowly or I can't feel it at all
- I feel like the air has been removed from the room and I struggle to take a breath. There's no chest pain involved, just severe air hunger. I start yawning and realizing I'm going to have a panic attack. I begin taking slow breaths like I learned with biofeedback
- My vision gets blurry and I feel like I'm out of body... I can't really feel my body, it's very numb.
- Something huge, like a tidal wave, comes over me and I break out in a fit of shaking so badly that I can't speak. I usually am pouring sweat, but not always
- My muscles cramp all over and I start feeling like I'm involuntarily clenching down while whooshing sounds fill my head... I might actually kind of clamp my body downwards, teeth clenched, desperately trying to relax my muscles or breath
- The whooshing feeling feels like something gives or explodes and then I'm very faint
- It's totally obvious to anyone watching, and they ask me am I ok, but I can't usually talk
- I have fainted from a few of these attacks
- my heart never races
- sometimes the hair on my arms stands on end

The attack feels 100% physical and I never get a sensation of fear. At all. Just an almost irresistable urge to stand up and walk out of the room to somewhere safe. I see that the trigger is feeling either watched or trapped. I know the attacks can't hurt me but I am worried about fainting or choking if I'm eating, or driving into another car, two of which I've done (I've not driven into a car).

Does anyone feel like this is familiar? I know a lot of people with panic attacks believe they're dying or feel they're having a heart attack and I don't click with those feelings at all.

I'm petrified, however, that I won't be able to do my job right or have to drop out of college (it's been a huge struggle to get through since I dropped out of high school for this condition) and since so much panic treatment involves slowing down your heart or rationalizing that you aren't dying, I have no idea what to do.

Been flaring up suddenly since the semester started. Very easy semester. Just two night classes. The funny thing is I've TAUGHT full classes many, many times as a grad student. So I don't understand this. And I've never had attacks in the car before. Also, I'm about to start teaching part time again and cannot lose that opportunity.

I hate seeing doctors. They were never of any use during my ten year ordeal and largely made me feel worse about myself. I see mine for medication maintenance a few times per year, and have never really had to adjust it.

So thoughts on the attacks themselves?
Thoughts on some kind of treatment so I can keep working and going through school?
Thoughts on why this could be rearing its ugly head after so long?


11-09-09, 23:25
Oh, and I forgot to mention something in general. When I have severe anxiety from something, I get faint. If it's really bad, I have exactly the same response that I described above.

For example, I was driving with someone about three days ago and I saw he was going to go through a red light and didn't notice. As we got closer, I noticed there was oncoming traffic, no less. I went to say something, but instead got totally numb, faint, whooshed right over my body, started violently shaking cringed, got tunnel vision (forgot to mention that one), and we almost got into a serious wreck.

What's weird is my heart never went up at all. I think it actually went way, way down?

Is that even possible?

distorted reality
11-09-09, 23:38
It's worth seeing a doctor again in my opinion. I get some of the symptoms you describe and I don't get the fear beforehand either - That's the hardest thing to accept for me! If you're not happy with your doctor, see a different one.

11-09-09, 23:48
I'm not going to see a doctor again. There's no sense at all in that. I was placed on perhaps 20 different psychiatric meds that didn't work as a teenager and misdiagnosed again and again. It was demeaning and demoralizing and costly. In thinking about myself as sick, I got more sick. I'm not sick. I'm just struggling with something right now. Again. Most psychiatric doctors sincerely strike me as witch doctors.

All I want to know, I guess, is if you can have a lot of panic attacks without your heart racing and why that might happen. Tried to google it but didn't find anything.

I hear you about the no fear thing! You take care of yourself!

distorted reality
11-09-09, 23:59
I get a slow heart rate or irregular heart rate at awkward times which freak me out but once the anxiety kicks in, it's usually fast from the panic. Since I started on Seroxat, my heart rate has been consistently slower than usual. I'm seeing my GP (MD) on monday about that.

It doesn't seem right that the docs would just put you on meds straight away, especially from a young age? Can't you go to a new doctor, not psychiatric, and talk to him/her about the situation? I don't think anyone on here would be qualified to settle your mind.

12-09-09, 01:04
Sorry if I worded that strangely. I was in my twenties before put on medication but the panic attacks had been going on for ten years before. I'm now in my thirties. They didn't put me on meds for about two years, and then it was a slew of ineffective antidepressants.

Forget about that part of the question.

Mainly just looking to see if others don't get a fast heart rate as part of their panic attacks? Anyone at all. Mine definitely slows down (I assume it's why I faint). If it wasn't so obviously situational, I'd be worried. But it's very, very obviously situational.

12-09-09, 01:10
I'm kinda peeking around the social phobia forum and realize all of my triggers are related to social phobia, more or less, at lease recently.

Not sure if that's even remotely related. Does it have different symptoms for panic attacks? I notice more people feeling hot and blushing, which is kind of what I feel like as well as more trembling.

What do you do if you have panic attacks from social phobia suddenly? Has anyone gone from panic attacks to more social phobia related panic attacks?

Maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree though.

12-09-09, 13:29
yes ive wondered the same thing. my heart doesnt always race with a panic attack either.
love debera

04-07-11, 08:00
Anxiety is a natural human reaction that involves mind and body. It serves an important basic survival function: Anxiety (http://www.disorderpanictreatment.net/social-anxiety-disorder/social-anxiety-disorder-and-anxiety-attracts/) is an alarm system that is activated whenever a person perceives danger or threat. When the body and mind react to danger or threat, a person feels physical sensations of anxiety — things like a faster heartbeat and breathing, tense muscles, sweaty palms, a queasy stomach, and trembling hands or legs. These sensations are part of the body's fight-flight response.

11-07-11, 20:06
Hello Belladonna, i have GAD and also when i have panic attacks my heart feels like its going slower too.. i have been taking Seroxat (Paroxetine) for about 3 and a half weeks, ive been feeling a little worse... have you taken these before? how did it go?

12-07-11, 00:27
Hi there,
Now that I have become okay with my panic attacks which the main issue with me was crazy heart racing and cannot breathe... now that I can control those symptoms of my panic attacks I get other symptoms.
So I think yes it is possible and normal.
My panic attacks are now like dizzy, lightheaded, upset stomach, get really hot and sweating, and shaking. Which are all also symptoms of panic attacks!

There is a wonderful book I discovered about 6 months ago called "Living with It" A survivors guide to Panic Attacks by: Bev Aisbett. She has more books too that i ordered off the internet and they have helped me a lot!

Wish all the best and keep positive and your not going to die its just a sensation.
