View Full Version : been feeling sick for what feels like ages

11-09-09, 23:21
Hi Everyone,

Until recently i've been doing quite well. Peaks and trophs i suppose but lately i've been feeling really sick, i don't wake up feeling sick but as the day goes on i feel progressively worse. I get headaches and an uncomfortable (not painful) stomach, i'm tired alot and i think i lose quite alot of hair not that it's thinning may be thats not really a sypmtom but i'm starting (and this is the bits that worrying) to think that may be i should go to the doctor. Normally i'd be down there like a shot.
I'm not sure if i'm someone who believes in cosmic signs (or whatever you call them) but first of all i got my smear test apt come through (YUK!!), then a few days later started to feel really sick, not unwell just sick, then i got a sales call about writing my will and then i was wondering around the shopping centre something i rarely do mid week and there's a will writing stand. All this and the still not panicking (like i normally would) is starting to make me worry. I went and bought pregnancy tests (notice plural) not that they would come out showing anything as i'm mid cycle!!!
I don't know what to do i feel at a lose, should i be panicking or more to the point why aren't i?

12-09-09, 00:10
You sound indentical to me!

I go through phases of feeling sick to my stomach almost like there is a bowling ball at the pitt of my stomach just rolling about,not sore just unbelievable nausea.

The hair thinning,I get when I am more stressed(than normal :p) and apparantly as the seasons change our hair can fall out! Almost like little animals molting their fur then comes back thicker.

Months back I was so sick,felt awful that I too bought over 50 pounds worth of preg tests cos I was SURE that I must be pregnant then,EVEN though I hadn't had sex for ages due to a pelvic infection! I know...mental..I think that it is stress over getting letters about wills(whihc would be unsettling for anyone) and the smears..again another huge stomach churner for women.

Please try not worry. I know that is calling the kettle black but I am sure you are ok. If you are still a bit worried,go see your gp and they will give you a check up xxxx