View Full Version : lump on nose

12-09-09, 00:31
I have been googling!! Bad i know but i couldn't help

I have a small flesh coloured bump on the side of my nose, i've had it for about 6/7 years its never changed in size although recently it did kind of peel and then return to normal however since then i have noticed a strange feeling from around that area but i can't exactly pinpiont this sensation. Do you think i should be worried? I've been feeling very sick and lots of headaches (and other symptoms i already listed in another thread).

P.S if/when you google if it doesn't come up with anything serious or cancer kind of related do you feel as though you must have missed something, you've googled the wrong phrase or something?

12-09-09, 00:43
Ok I am not kidding,I think you are my twin or something. I SWEAR to God about two days ago I was looking in the mirror blowing my nose,as you do lol,and I noticed a swelling towards the outer part of the inside of my left nostril,it's STILL there,not sore oranything..I would take picture but I don't think you want to see up my hooter! But I freaked and started thinking nose tumour. But I am thinking that it has been there for ages and I have never noticed it til I was blowing my nose.

DONT GOOGLE! I just mademy breast cancer worries a lot lot worse :( xxx

12-09-09, 00:49
I know, normally it sends my into a frenzy but i did google and it just came up with blocked tear duct!! I think i'll get it checked as i do get some strange sensations from that area