View Full Version : Anxiety? or Problem?

12-09-09, 02:04
I managed to prise myself out the house tonight, in my previous posts i have said that i have had pain in my head when i move my eyes but also a persistant headache. I went out with a few friends tonight for some drinks without even noticing a headache, now ive got home its come back because ive convinced my self i have a brain tumour or some other serious problem with my brain. Why does this happen all the time??

12-09-09, 04:49
Sometimes headaches can be caused by stress or tension so this could be why you are getting headaches. Considering the pain is in your eyes as well it might be an idea to go for an eye test as this could also be causing the headaches.

Well done for getting yourself out the house though, sounds like you really didn't want to go so congratulations on doing it anyway.