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22-10-05, 12:55
My name is Julie. I am 29 years old and live in North Yorkshire.

I've got so many problems, I don't know where to start.

Panic attacks. Whenever I'm in areas where theres too many people, I start to panic. I feel claustaphobic, shaky and my throat dries up and I find it difficult to swallow. Being in a theatre esp stalls is when I sometimes get these symptoms and in the end I walk out. If when I do book a seat I make sure its at the side or near a door.

Depression. I feel really low quite often and even though I haven't been to discuss it with my doctor, I think it might be because my Grandad died end of 2002.

OCD. I wash my hands alot and would hate it if I had to use a public loo, esp when I'd have to wash my hands. My mum gets really annoyed with me when I wash my hands alot and sometimes it ends up being an argument.

I'm unemployed and long for the day when I feel trly happy. Working and socialising and mainly living away from parents who I don't get on with.

22-10-05, 12:58
Hi Julie,
Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here, and make some great friends. Stay focused and positive it really does help.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwitten'

22-10-05, 13:17
hi julie welcome to the site , i found this place at the begining of this month and i find it so helpful . iam sure you will too x

22-10-05, 13:52
Hi julie. sorry to hear you feel so bad. Welcome to the site and hope you get plenty of help make you feel a bit better. take care. Vernon

22-10-05, 14:17
hi julie
welcome to the site
take care
denise xx


22-10-05, 14:35
Hi Julie, welcome, have a good look around and i think you will feel reassured you are not alone, take care, Love Alexis,xxx


22-10-05, 17:54
Hi Julie and welcome aboard.

I can empathise with the "I've so many problems, I don't know where to start" line. Try and analyse why you are like this - its quite likely that although you have many problems, a number of them can be solved by tackling a common root cause.

Have you mulled over these issues with a counsellor or therapist? A trained outsider can see things differently from ourselves and can shine us a light.

Another option would be to enrol for a telephone based CBT course run by the charity No Panic. That may help you overcome some of the negative thinking that is controlling your life. The course itself will provide a focus for you and is done on in conference style, so they'll be other people to talk to as well.

Don't forget we have a chat room here ourselves. That may well provide an avenue for some online friendships.

Take care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

22-10-05, 18:31
Welcome aboard!! :D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

22-10-05, 19:22
Hi Julie

Welcome to the forum. It sounds like things are quite difficult for you and dealing with different issues can feel overwhelming making it difficult to know where to start.

Have you seen your doctor or had any help for this so far?

You might like to start by reading the First Steps (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=firststeps) information.

OCD UK (http://www.ocduk.org/) is a site specifically dedicated to OCD and you could find some useful information there for this specific issue.

Some bereavement counselling could also help you with the feelings surrounding your grandfather's death.

You will also find a lot of help and support here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

22-10-05, 20:50
Hi Julie

A big warm welcome to you.



Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

22-10-05, 21:04
Welcome! :)

23-10-05, 11:46
Hi Julie




23-10-05, 13:54
hey welcome to the site...has helped me loads. hope it does the same for you take care....


23-10-05, 13:58
Hey Julie,

Welcome to the site,

tracy x x

Every time you avoid your fears they become stronger,every time you face your fears they become weaker.

23-10-05, 17:04
Hello Julie

Several of those problems are interrelated, so as soon as you make headway on one or two of them you will see an overall improvement.

By taking small steps and taking one issue initially you can help yourself.

CBT is very helpful too.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

23-10-05, 17:13

A warm welcome aboard and I hope you get some time to read both the posts here and the info on the website.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

23-10-05, 19:56
Welcome Julie:D

You're not alone with your feelings of panic when around lots of people, I don't think I could ever go into a town centre on a Saturday! I fully understand your need to be near a door so you can leave quickly. I do that without thinking when I go to the cinema.

It might be an idea to have a chat with your doctor about your feelings, the worst thing is to hold it inside and to not have anyone to talk to.

PM me anytime for a chat and like the others have said you'll get lots of support and advice here.

Jem xxx