View Full Version : Head zaps without meds?

12-09-09, 04:39
Hi guys, I was just wondering if it's normal to get a head or "brain" zap if you're not on meds? Most of what I've seen suggests these are usually related to taking meds, thought I have seen a couple of things that suggest you can get them from anxiety in general.

I didn't have a major one - I was just playing a video game, and suddenly felt it. It lasted maybe a second or two, tops ... thankfully I didn't end up in a panic attack, though it definitely freaked me out! Any thoughts would be appreciated!

12-09-09, 10:00
Hi Ikimasu

I have had these brain zaps without being on meds. They can happen when tired and stressed too.


12-09-09, 12:02
:hugs: These frighten me - does it feel like 'when you bumped your head and your brain bounced'??:blush: and is then OK?