View Full Version : Hi there, a little about me

12-09-09, 05:20
Firstly, Dugong is my scout name. I am the scout leader for Hervey Bay Sea Scouts in sunny Queensland, Austalia. I couldn't think of a better nickname at short notice...

I have ectopic heartbeat and have had for a number of years. They seem to be getting progressively worse over time and I am currently trawling the Internet for more information / help / cures / anything.

I first got them when I played sport - or just afterwards. A horrible empty feeling in the chest followed by a thump - sometimes in quick succession, lasting for anything from 5 minutes to 5 hours. Then nothing for a week then back they come. I guess that no-one knows why buy I just want to know that they are gone and that I don't have to fear them returning.

I have given up on the medicos because they don't seem to be able to help and quite frankly don't seem to care. I just with that some of them could experience this for themselves then perhaps they would take it a little more seriously.

I have tried giving up tea (don't drink coffee anyway), alcohol (red wine) and lollies (sweets - I used to be a pom) and sugary foods. I have also tried magnesium, calcium, potassium and another -ium that slips my mind, herbal remedies, multivitamins, alkaline foods and I can't think of any more off the top of my head but I'm sure that there were more.

I came across this site in a Google search and decided to join. They say that a trouble shared is a trouble halved. I just want to know where the other half goes! From the little that I have seen on this site, my story isn't unique. And here I was thinking that I was on my own.

Is that enough? A short potted history of me & my problem. Well, it will have to do for now.

All the best,


Vanilla Sky
12-09-09, 12:32
Hi there and welcome to NMP, you will find it helpfull and supportive here, you won't feel so alone , the chatroom is great too , maybe see you in there sometime , Love Paige x

13-09-09, 09:50
:welcome: to the group Dugong :D

Paul (Froggy)