View Full Version : Hi all

12-09-09, 05:46
I am a newbie to this but very glad that these kind of forums exist. I have been a sufferer for many months now and can honestly say that anxiety attacks are one of the most scariest experiences I have ever come across. Mine last for hours after the initial episode when all I want to do is curl up under my duvet cover and shut out the world. I feel like I am going insane at times. Mental health and my job don't pair well and I feel I cannot confide in anyone other than my counsellor which I have just started going to. I'm also finding that I am withdrawing socially from all my friends and family. There are times when I feel very lonely and just want to pour my heart out in how I am feeling. I hope by talking to any of you guys who are experiencing what I am going through that there is some light at the end of the tunnel and I will fight this scary world I am currently living in. Thanks for dropping in.

Vanilla Sky
12-09-09, 12:29
Welcome to NMP, you will find it very supportive here and ther is loads of information to the left on main menu. You are not alone, maybe see you in chat sometime Love Paige x

13-09-09, 09:57
Hi Cinderella, :welcome: to the group!


13-09-09, 12:05
hi cinderella
mine used to last for hours sometimes days aswell but with help from not only my councillor but also all the guys on here im so much better and have a good understanding of this illness now