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View Full Version : im in a real bad state at the moment

Granny Primark
12-09-09, 10:10
I dont need sympathy. I just want people understand that when you are sad dont turn to alcahol.
For the last four years ive depended on the stuff.
Big mistake.
Ive always been so anti drinking and smoking.
I begged me doctor to give me something to calm me down so I didnt have to have a glass of wine.
I was refused diazapan.
Im not a bad person but ive got into a state where i badly need help.
Now im a wreck. Cant eat or sleep.
Ive got a brill doc now who really cares.
Im just scared its too late for me now.

12-09-09, 10:48
Oh, Granny I do feel for you :hugs:

Over the last month or so I have too realised that alcohol caused my anxiety to shoot through the roof. Like you, I've always been anti alcohol - my mother, grandmother and maternal aunt all had massive drinking problems - but when you find something that seems to 'cure' anxiety in the short term, I'd defy anyone not to give it a shot.

Its never too late, just speak to your doc and make sure s/he appreciates how you're feeling and the implications if you continue to drink at the level you are.

I wish you all the best


12-09-09, 11:13
Of course you are not a bad person!! We all need a crutch sometime and it's so easy to buy a bottle of wine and before you know it it develops into a habit. Especially if, at the time, it relaxes you. If you are really worried about how much you are drinking your g.p. CAN give you help for this. You've got into a habit you want to get out of and you can! It's a well known fact that many people with anxiety/depression can easily develop a problem with drinking because of it's immediate affects. Of course it can make you feel worse afterwards and that's when it becomes a problem and you want more to maintain how you feel when taking it. Please try not to condemn yourself for this. You are only human. Speak to your g.p.

Take care
p.s. I said in a previous post I wasn't going to reply anymore in case I was making people feel worse, but I can't bear to see people tormenting themselves through anxiety! I've been there.

12-09-09, 11:27

I like my few lagers of a night time too hun and i often think the same way as you. It's not a good tool and i have to stop it.

You're right mate, you are NOT a bad person so please don't think that.
It's never too late.
Lots of love

12-09-09, 11:30
Hey Lynn:hugs:

Ive answered your pm hunny:hugs:

Kaz x:hugs:

12-09-09, 11:33
I dont need sympathy. I just want people understand that when you are sad dont turn to alcahol.
For the last four years ive depended on the stuff.
Big mistake.
Ive always been so anti drinking and smoking.
I begged me doctor to give me something to calm me down so I didnt have to have a glass of wine.
I was refused diazapan.
Im not a bad person but ive got into a state where i badly need help.
Now im a wreck. Cant eat or sleep.
Ive got a brill doc now who really cares.
Im just scared its too late for me now.
:hugs: Lynn, you know it is not to late.:hugs:
Years ago i also turned to ""the odd glass of wine"" it is JUST sooo easy to pour that drink - much quicker than waiting for the kettle to boil for a cup of tea:blush: the doc's then told me to read my bible for comfort (they did not say which bits:blush: ))
I realised after a year or so that the drink was causing more depression than it was helping. So I stopped!!:ohmy: I bought bottles of pop and poured a glass of pop instead of wine... sometimes that made me feel stupid - sometimes it made me laugh. BUT it was something """quick to do - an action that made me move""
This sounds like a right load of rubbish (sorry:blush: ) BUt I have not had a Boozy drink since 1984:yesyes:
I still get PAs suffer badly HA No meds just cope as best i can with help from here and chats to my lovely Docs.
Best wishes

13-09-09, 04:41

It is never too late and admitting you are having a problem and knowing that it isn't helping you is the first step. I'm so glad you have a new doctor and hopefully he will find something that can take your anxiety away that you were trying to mask with the drinking. I would also try some counseling too if you can. It takes a really brave person to admit all that you just did and I'm positive you have helped many people by doing so.

Love and hugs,


Granny Primark
13-09-09, 07:34
Because of the last 4 years of drinking wine the blood tests I had a week ago have shown ive got liver disease.
Im waiting to go to the hospital for scans.
Im truly out of my mind with worrying.
Ive got so much to live for.
These things never happen to you they are things you only think happen to other people.

13-09-09, 11:44
:bighug1: hugs for u gp
sandra xxxxxxxxxxxx

13-09-09, 13:40

We can't change the past, the main thing is that this is being addressed now, and its great that you have a good GP, i can hear the worry you are living with right now in your post, one step at a time....
sending you kind thoughts and best wishes

P x