View Full Version : Blood Test Results - Letter Through The Post.

12-09-09, 11:07
Hello all,

I recently was having problems down below with wind and mushy stools etc and my doctor said it is most properly anxiety or IBS and he will do some blood tests etc.

I did the blood tests last week and felt better in myself and did not phone up for the results as I thought I would see my doctor next week etc.

This morning a letter arrived and it sayd:

"We have now received the results of your recent blood test and we find we need to repeat your liver function test in one month time".

Why do they need me to repeat it, is something wrong etc?


12-09-09, 11:37
Hi Red,
Quick question, are you on any medication?
The reason I ask is, that my liver function results have been 'out' a few times because of tablets I've been taking. I had to not take tablets for a few weeks then get retested.
M x

12-09-09, 11:41

I'm on amitriptyline 80mg.

I'm starting to worry that these medications have damaged my liver and I might stop taking them.


12-09-09, 11:47
I didn't mean that my tablets were damaging my liver; just that they were making me show a false reading on my blood test results.

The liver is a wonderful organ, that takes A LOT of abuse and can repair itself quite easily. I doubt you are damaging it taking your tablets.

I wouldn't stop takig your tablets without taking to your doctor first; why don't you make an appointment to discuss the letter?

12-09-09, 11:50

Thank you for your reply, I undertand what your saying now.

I will try and get an appointment to see my Doctor next week etc.

Just when I started to feel better, bang come this letter and off I go again.


12-09-09, 12:00
I know the feeling well mate!

12-09-09, 15:32
Obviously alcohol will effect liver tests as well.

I don't know if you drink or not but if you had a drink the day before the blood tests then some of the readings may have been raised.

12-09-09, 16:05

I was thinking that but I'm sure I did not drink the night before.

I was also thinking if my medication has caused it but my last blood test months back was normal, which I was on a lower dose, confused..!

Do you think higher dose could cause it or could it mean my liver is faulty?


12-09-09, 22:43
Liver function tests can be off for all sorts of reasons - often no reason at all can be found! my friend had his first liver function test and one of the readings was high - he was teetotal so they suspected gallstones or something so he had to go for ultrasound - nothing was ever found. He had it tested again month later and same thing high reading.this went on everymonth for 6 months and then all of a sudden his readings went back to normal. He felt fine all the time - this was about 5 yrs ago and he is still fit and well?????

Because liver tests often are high they recommend waiting a month and not drinking at all if possible in that time.

No doubt your Dr can explain much better than me:)

13-09-09, 12:50
LFT'S CAN VARY! one of mine was slightly higher but he just said it was probably fatty tissue - i googled it and it is true- if you are late 30's early 40's and slightly overweight, you can have raised lft results. i had a scan and it showed up as fatty tissue so nothing to worry about.

meds can certainly alter the results as can drinking, so make your doc knows this!
good luck! x

13-09-09, 17:44
Thank you...!

Just booked an appointment on-line for the Wednesday with my doctor.

16-09-09, 10:13
Hi all,

I have seen my doctor today, which I was told normal reading is around 40 and mine is currently 60.

I still have to repeat it in four weeks time and he said we will take things from there etc.


16-09-09, 16:11
Which LFT test though?

annie pannie
16-09-09, 16:14
Hi there

What I know about these things I could write on a postage stamp (or even something smaller!) BUT "normal" and outside of "normal" doesn't mean there is something wrong. Think of all the people you know who have say blood pressure that's lower than "normal" but is "normal" for them - i am one of those people - i also have low blood sugar and high adrenaline levels and lots of people I know have all sorts of variations. because I am anxious about my partner who has borderline anaemia I was reading about a sportsman who had low baseline levels of whatever (iron/fe?? ) Anyway this guy was a trained athelete and the medical profession couldn't understadn why his levels were so low yet he was very healthy - turns out just like blood pressure or glucose levels, people's baseline levesl can vary against the norm and it's about what is normal for you - as I say I know very little about this but it just seems to me that our bodies are not machines and that we are all going to have variations that we are mostly not aware of. Good luck with your next visit and I know it's easy to say and very hard to do but try not to worry Take Care Annie x

16-09-09, 18:42
Which LFT test though?

I'm not sure, because he read out so much things from my bloods (which were all ok) apart from the one where it was reading 60.

He told me in usual cases four weeks is early as they tell people to return in 6 months but I was nervous but he would not let me take one earlier than 2nd October.

01-10-09, 17:18
Which LFT test though?

Blood test tomorrow which states my ALT was high?

Does anybody know anything about the ALT?

03-10-09, 14:42
Hi all, any advice would be gratefull as I'm in total worry mode.

I went for the liver function test yesterday, just got to wait now.

I'm worried about having a beer or worried about taking any of my anxiety medication or even taking any imodium as I'm worried my liver is damaged my last bloods came back ok but the liver function test had ALT of 60.

I can not stop going to the toilet and I keep having wind but I'm unsire if it is my anxiety or a serious problem as that was why I went to see the doctor, throught it was IBS etc.

Confused and worried, I feel like I have put my life on hold as it is game over for me.


03-10-09, 15:16
hi red 60 isnt alot on a liver test i was told by dr other day usual is about 35 mine was 1200 hence why ive given up drink the liver is a strong organ and can easily fix itself best wishes amandaxx

04-12-09, 15:19
I forgot to mention, my second blood test came back with the ALT of 76, went higher? My doctor does not seem concearned but i am.

04-12-09, 17:00
if your dr isnt concerned id take that as a positive step can pm me anytime if you want

05-12-09, 13:36
I received a phone call this morning from the hospital, they have brought forward my appointment with the Gastroenterology department to next Saturday at 8am.

Will they do anything that day or will they just talk etc?