View Full Version : SDS?

12-09-09, 12:18
This morning ive woke up and am panicing about sudden death syndrome, i dont even know why. Ive had an infection and been to three doctors who have all checked my chest with a stenthoscope and taken my blood pressure and pulse, if they would of heard anything abnormal or even suspected my there was a defect with my heart they would of sent me to the hospital for an ECG????
Sending me insane!!!!! :wacko:

12-09-09, 12:36
SDS very rare try not to get yourself in a tangent about it.
Some of the pills im on as a side effect is SDS but I dont worry about it, if it happens it happens if not im gonna carry on living to the best of my abilities.
When your obsessing about something like your headaches and now sds try think of something that makes you happy, I think of funny things I got up to the night before with mates or funny ways to play pranks on my g/f...she gets really annoyed but it makes me feel better and takes my mind off of these thoughts you are similarly having.

12-09-09, 12:45
Pills with a SDS side effect. Wow i would constantly be on complete edge, just thinking about it makes me feel completely sick. I know i read that they are very rare but i have this nagging in the back of my head saying that its got to happen to some people and thats me, i hate even typing it. Is there any reason for it like does it run in families or can it be hereditary?

12-09-09, 12:51
From what I understand it doesnt run in familys & you would of had symptoms of it already if you had it so again try take your mind off of it. SDS symptoms usually appear quite early on in males so you would know by now id expect.
Best thing to do is talk to someone medically qualified about your worrys they would put your mind at ease.