View Full Version : Sleeping Headache

12-09-09, 15:08
Hi everyone,

Last night, on two occasions, I woke up from a headache. However, on both occasions, once I had woken up the headaches went away within a few seconds. They weren't anything major - just a basic ache and discomfort.

I was wondering if anyone has experienced anything like this. I will say that it did feel like maybe I had been clenching my teeth some. My jaw muscles (up around my temple area) do feel a little sore on my left side when I rub them now, and last night when I woke up my teeth felt like they had been having some extra pressure on them.

Of course, I always worry about the worst case scenario, so I wanted to get a little reassurance from anyone who might understand what I'm talking about. Thanks!

Cell block H fan
12-09-09, 17:06
I have had this recently. And its rare for me to wake up with a headache!Even if I go to bed with a migraine, its gone by morning! I just put it down to too much sleep maybe!? I woke up in the night with it, & hoped it would be gone by morning if I went back to sleep, which it hadn't!
Oddly enough, even though I'm a neurotic when it comes to health anxiety, so far, headaches haven't worried me! Even unexplained ones! I dont know why that is.
Watch the teeth grinding thing though. I have been doing that, although I only knew it once the dentist pointed it out & I can feel the slight worn downess at the back of one of my front teeth! But he gave me a mouth guard, horrible plastic thing, that I'm supposed to wear at night. But its orrible! So I haven't worn it! My teeth haven't got any worse in the last couple of months so I'm not going to use it anyway!

12-09-09, 17:53
Thanks Cell - I have a feeling it's related to jaw clenching or something, and it only happened last night anyway. Still, I tend to worry about these things, even if just subconsciously - it kind of sits in the back of my mind.

It made me feel better that it went away almost as soon as I woke up. But you know how worry is... :-/

graham clubman
12-09-09, 18:42
teeth clenching was the norm for me and headaches on waking also. However after a nervous breakdown ( hospitalized for six day ) I had to find a way to chill out and get myself a refreshing sleep. I found a natural remedy called RESCUE REMEDY, made by Bachs. Am not sure if its available in The States but they do have a website for further info.
I use it still and it helps me when I am down or anxious.
Since using it my teeth clenching days are gone...

12-09-09, 19:09
Thanks Graham - I definitely understand that idea of needing to chill out. I think a lot of time I'm clenching my jaw, and not even realizing it during the day. Even if I'm not "clenching" per se, I can tell that my muscles are very tense a lot of the time.

I checked out the website and there is a place that sells it relatively nearby, but the website suggests it's for women. I take it you're a man, so I assume it works well for men too, but figured I'd ask anyway.

12-09-09, 22:42
I think one thing for me is I'm scared about it happening again tonight - that just sort of sits in my mind all day long. Not because it was horribly painful or anything (although it didn't feel great, especially when you're tired) but just that then I'll be even more worried that it's something serious if it does happen again.

I try to remind myself that (a) several of the muscles in my temple on the side where I felt the headache are sore to the touch today (b) it did feel like my teeth had been tight when i woke up (c) the pain went away very quickly after I woke up (less than a minute). So I figure for all of those reasons it's highly unlikely to be something serious, but then health anxiety isn't usually logical.