View Full Version : vertigo symptoms

Hears The Water
22-10-05, 20:44
Hi, I know that I have asked this before but there are so many new people on here that I thought I would give it a chance again. I went to my new house last night and my friends came over and pulled up the carpet. I knew that I needed to stay out of the dust and dirt because I get Benign Postional Vertigo (BPV) when I am around to much of it. Well, guess what happend to me when I got out of bed this morning? Yep, I have a roaring case of BPV. For those of you that are blessed to not have it, BPV basically means that you get dizzy when ever you move your head position. You can also get nauseated and throw up from it too. I have had it over the years but this case is the worst. I don't even want to think about driving. I am having problems walking if I go to fast. (it looks like I am drunk! LOL) I am fine when I sit or stand in one position but the second I tilt my head just the slightest bit I get this kind of a fullness or a lightheadeness or kind of a buzzing in my head. When I really turn my head or lie down and lay my head to the left side, the whole room spins. I cannot even begin to tell y'all how much I hate this. I have allways thought that it was caused by allergins but now I am wondering if stress could cause it. After all I am under a bit of stress. :rolleyes: The whole packing and moving thing does it for me every time. The last two or three times I moved I have had BPV to one degree or another. So it could be either allergins or stress. Even trying to narrow it down based on what is going on in my life right now doesn't help. Yes, I am the most stressed out that I have ever been, (tomorrow would have been my 13th wedding anniversary and will be 7 months since John died) But also I have never pulled up carpet when I moved like they did last night. I have had BPV when I was not in the middle of a move, like if I have been cleaning a lot of dusty stuff or if I inhale the tiny particles of dryer lint. And I have moved without BPV. I have been online all morning researching it. And I did go to an actual medical doctor years ago and was offically diagnosed with it. It is just that this particular case of it is the most dramatic one I have ever had. I actually was nauseated and retched a bit this morning, but then again I was almost hysterical about the whole thing. I was supposted to go up and clean more in my house. And we are moving next Sat. I hate to ask others for help but at this rate I have no other choice.

Anyway, the reson I posted this thread is to ask if any of y'all have had BPV and to compare symptoms, causes and treatments. I am trying to NOT obsess on this and one of the ways I can do that is to normalize the whole thing. So, any help you can give me is very much appreceated. And I do ask for prayers from y'all too. This is going to be a hard couple of weeks. Thanks in advance for any and all advice. The one good side to this is that there where really nice hard wood floors in the house, dirty but nice!!! Yaaaay!
God bless you and yours