View Full Version : is there a way to prevent and stop current nocturnal panic attacks?

12-09-09, 18:40
Is there a way to prevent or stop nocturnal panic attacks from occuring every single night of ones life long term. The benzodiapines I've been taking only work for me for about 1 week for sleep......and about 3 weeks for the panic problem. One benzo didn't even stop the anxiety at night (while on citalopram)....and barely worked to slow down my anxiety during the day.

Its like my subconscious mind is saying.. You can not go to sleep... you MUST stay awake and be alert for the danger that is out there.

My anxiety is continuous all day every day......and sleep deprived at the same time.

Is feeling desperate for a solution so I can get sleep and relief to my problem.
Any suggestions out there?

13-09-09, 02:15
Yes I feel the same, it's like a vicious circle, you can't get to sleep because your on alert, then you get exhausted making the panic attacks worse.

13-09-09, 05:42
Try this..........
When you toss and turn or wake up in a panic, STOP and ask yourself, what are the sensations i am feeling at the moment? Then allow the feelings to run through you and then label them, for example, oh there is that tingling again, there goes my heartbeat etc.....wow how exciting, i'm feeling sensations of anxiety as usual and so be it! Tell your body to make the feelings really obvious this time because you are not afraid and it better hurry up because you are also planning on getting some sleep tonight!! You have to realise that these sensations are only happening because you are telling your body that there is a threat and you should be scared and therefore it is only doing what it can by starting the flight or fight response! By allowing yourself to accept the feelings, your subconsious will become confused at your lack of fear and immediately reverse the response!
Try this website, it saved my life! www.panicaway.com (http://www.panicaway.com)
Good luck.

13-09-09, 12:17
in my opinon the first step is dealing with the symptoms as they come. I found that i imagined a little cute devil poking me with a stick and then imagined locking him in a cell. After i have done that i close my eyes breath slowly and imagine healing gold light creeping through my body from my feet up. It took practice after a while i would only get the light as far as my hips and id be asleep. I also suffered from really high bp and found that doing this would bring my bp down within 10 minutes. Now i hardly get these night time problems but if i do thats what i do

13-09-09, 15:24
Hey thats some good advice. Thanks all. I'll try it tonight at bedtime.

13-09-09, 20:36
i like that idea den, i'm going to try it tonight when the anxiety sets in and i can't sleep, thankyou x