View Full Version : Some questions

12-09-09, 20:06
(yeah, I first posted this in the panic attack forum, but I deleted the thread 'cause it was in the wrong section)

Is it ... normal, to feel a certain heaviness/tightness on/in the chest when upset or angry (I mean really angry, really furious)? Is it stress related? I didn't have this feeling a few months ago. [re-mentioning: had an EKG done a month ago and am 16 y.o]

Also another question is: can a heart attack come all of a sudden, or does it have to be preceded by another heart illness? Because I've been thinking that a lot of stuff I'm feeling now I didn't feel a month ago when I had the EKG done...

13-09-09, 17:14
The chest pains your describing are common with anxiety.
One of the most common symptoms I believe.