View Full Version : Bump on the head! Advide please!!

12-09-09, 21:15
I've just bashed my head really hard on a door frame (the door is low, I am tall and have had several glasses of wine) and there's a huge bump there :(

I've put ice on it, but it really hurts and I'm scared to go sleep in case I go into a coma or something... please someone tell me I'm being silly...

12-09-09, 21:19
If you don't feel sick or dizzy then you will be fine

12-09-09, 21:26
I feel a little sick but it's probably the wine...

12-09-09, 22:43
It actually really hurts now... Is it safe to take pain killers after booze and a bump on the head?

12-09-09, 22:44
Yes it is fine. Take some paracetamol

12-09-09, 22:45
:D Thank you. Didn't want to google even something that simple, who knows where it might lead :shrug:

12-09-09, 23:06
Please dont google PD!

I've lost count of the amount of times I've bumped my head on an open cupboard door and I'm still here. If you still feel woozy when the hangover subsides then get it checked out.

You'll be fine after a good nights sleep I'm sure
