View Full Version : do you ever find

12-09-09, 22:29
that when you go to see the gp at your surgery that if its a really busy day they are not the same with you, like they maybe more off putting and not as sincere?
and then you come out feeling even worse then ever :weep: thats how i felt on thursday, the last 2 visits before that they were nice, but not same on thursday, and now i think im an idiot, for when they said have you anything else to discuss and said no, and they said you can't come back after if you remember you havnt discussed anything, then on way out when they were walking me out i mentioned i needed a repeat prescription, and they said see this is what i mean :weep: i didnt think that a repeat prescription was anything else to discuss about, i thought that referred to any other health concerns :weep: :weep:
i have only ever gone back once and that is because i felt like i wanted to end it all and that was way back in april time

:wacko: and now i still feel like a prat soo thick and useless that i don't unerstand what they mean, and it scares me to go back again
when they react negatively it puts me on an even more downward spriral

13-09-09, 00:50
I'm sorry to hear this! They really shouldn't talk to you like that and make you feel bad for something perfectly reasonable!! Noone is perfect! I'm sure tings slip their minds too!

I'm hope you're ok!