View Full Version : help please

12-09-09, 22:42
Hey, ive been feelin weak all day, then all of a sudden 2nite i had this shooting sensation, which was quite painful for a few seconds which literally took me to the ground, then my heart started racing and i could barely breathe. Now i feel spaced out and im worried about that shooting pain or sensation, is it anxiety or should i go and get it checked out,....im really freakin out and think im goin to pass out any moment now.
I feel so low, please help x

12-09-09, 22:51
have you been eating well or not?
are you more stressed lately?
do you have any other symptoms like pain down arms?

12-09-09, 22:56
i have eaeten 2day, but to be honest wast a healthy day, and i wouldnt say i am stress since it happened. travelled from devon back home to wales 2day by the train so might have stressed a bit gettin the right changes etc. i wasnt feeling good, then a sudden pain down my lower back...which has gone now, but it really freaked me out as ive had sensations before but none were painful. my arms havent been painful no, just weak likie the rest of my body. i know im probably making a big deal about it...just the back pain really startled me. Have you ever experienced some form of body 'zap' or pain? thanks for the reply x