View Full Version : Here we go again.

13-09-09, 01:53
Here we go again, another nightmare night, haven't slept for two nights,panic attacks coming on strong tonight, sweats shaking and extreme fright, I am climbing the walls but deep breathing is not helping.
Mind wandering everywhere.Want to cry but can't.
I have given in and have taken a diazepan....feel as if I have let myself down.
I don't want to become addicted to these tablets, so far have only taken them now and then since my accident ( arm impailed on a spike, left hanging there for half an hour)
Wow.......talk about one incident changing your life, this happened 5 weeks ago but is still affecting me badly.
Does anyone think that because I am still in pain with my arm that this is bringing the attacks on, or could it be something else.
Sorry to be a nuisance, I find writing it down makes it less scary.

13-09-09, 02:41
Hi Izzy

I too find nights the worst!! I very much think that this accident has left you like this. How are you supposed to quickly get over a traumatic experience like that? I think maybe you need the medication for now to help you.

Maybe the pain in your arm is a reminder of what happened. Don't beat yourself up for still feeling this way because it must have been horrendous for you.

People tell me a nice warm relaxing bath, listening to music etc helps to calm the mind. It's the mind that is the first port of call, which gives us these physical symptoms.

I am sure as time goes on, you will find that you don't think about the incident with such force and so the anxiety will lesson.

You can pm me if you want to. I shall be here for a while yet.

I hope this has helped a little bit.


13-09-09, 10:05
Thank you, the strange thing is , I am not actually thinking of the accident, I accept it happened and that it was a one off.
These panic attacks are quite random, (mostly nightime,I wonder why this is?)

14-09-09, 02:23
Hi Izzy,

You say you're not thinking of the accident but your subconscious will be and it has a way of bringing up things when your mind isn't busy (when you're trying to sleep)

Like Elspeth said, be kind to yourself. It's understandable that you'll xperience difficulties after such a horrible event.

Take care

14-09-09, 10:22
Yes, I think your right, I have tried my hardest to keep busy in the day so that my mind doesn't wander, obviously the night and sleep is out of our control.
Maybe that's why a lot of panic attack sufferers use tablets to help them overcome this.
I am trying to resist this but it's looking increasingly unlikely that this is going to happen............it's just to scary.........just want a quick way out...silly, I know.