View Full Version : First time here. My story

13-09-09, 04:49
Hey all. I've been diagnosed with panic disorder about a month and a half ago, and it definitely seems health related. So let me explain.

I'm a 21 year old male, and I'm about to be a senior at Cornell. Over the summer, I was diagnosed with appendicitis, which got dealt with promptly. About 6 weeks later, one particular day I had an abnormal amount of caffeine and ADD meds. I'm sitting around with some buddies, playing my DS, when I feel a pain in my left arm. Soon after, I feel like I need to breathe heavily, walk around, and I begin sweating profusely. My friends take me to the ER thinking I'm having a heart attack. Of course, I'm fine. I keep getting panicked though for days and days later, and keep going back to the ER, and nothing is wrong. Finally, I get back to Cornell, and a doctor diagnoses me with panic disorder, and recommends I start seeing someone to help treat it.

I've been seeing a relaxation specialist, and sometime in the next few weeks I'll be able to see a psychiatrist, to begin medication and CBT. I've also been seeing a nutritionist though. My most recent scare is "OMG I'm obese (BMI of 32-34)! I totally have diabetes!" I seriously doubt I have diabetes, but the fear is still there. I'm getting a physical on Thursday so I guess I'll find out then. Anyone else here somewhat obese and inactive and have severe fears of developing complications? I know there are millions here in the states who are obese and inactive like me, and yet are relatively healthy. I probably shouldn't be too afraid (though I admit I've been afraid to touch sweets recently).

So this is my story. I hope to find some comfort here! I've been reading posts and it's been really comforting to see people with stories similar to mine. I'm hoping to find stories from other college students with panic disorder!

13-09-09, 13:00
First of all, I commend you tremendously for taking charge of your life and getting cognitive therapy. I am familiar with your town and there are a lot of well educated, competent doctors so that's a plus. You are smart to be thinking about getting a grip on the weight issue now but please don't obsess about diabetes! Being overweight can lead to diabetes...I have a brother who did not listen and developed diabetes type 2 (controlled by diet) but he was 60 when it started. You are young, you can avoid this. You're smart, you know anyone, even kids can get diabetes, but we can get anything...we cannot walk around fixated on a potential disease.

Have you had your blood sugar tested? get that done to alleviate your worries. I would hope the nutritionist had you take a complete bloodwork before prescribing a regimen.

As a longtime sufferer of health anxiety, I can tell you that ANY anxiety gets worse under stress...you just started the term, right? I would recommend one good book called The Anxiety And Phobia Workbook by Edmund J. Bourne. It helped me tremendously.

There are many other books, some on health anxiety but this is a good one to start with, just general cognitive behavioral stuff. What I want you to do today is go by those beautiful lakes there, take a blanket, look up at the sky and try to get a perspective on all this. Maybe get to the root of what's behind this...sometimes a day alone with nature can really bring us some answers. Great that you're seeing a relaxation specialist...they say it's hard to have anxiety when the body is totally relaxed. Good luck to you and glad you found this board. And glad you're eating healthier, that can only help all of us!

13-09-09, 13:53
Hi Fledylids and :welcome:
There is lots of support and information here, that i am sure you will find useful.

Best wishes

P x

13-09-09, 17:35
Hey lauren, thanks for the advice. I haven't gotten my blood sugar tested yet but I have a physical on Thursday which coincides with the nutritionist visits (when you start seeing a nutritionist you have to get a physical as well), so I'll get my blood sugar tested then. I'm sure I'm fine. I had a pop tart yesterday, and a glass of OJ this morning and I seem to be fine. But yeah, what everyone has been telling me is that it's great that I'm working on my health now, when I'm young, so I take comfort in that. Thanks for the advice! :)