View Full Version : no way

13-09-09, 06:20
How many of us would have went into the boxing ring with Mike Tyson in his prime?
Would we seriously stand there in the ring with our boxing gloves on and be ready to trade blows with him?


Why? Because he would win eveytime and we would be carted off to the local hospital.

Yet how many of us try to fight our panic attacks?

There is no way to win that fight because as soon as we try to fight it, it just grows stronger. I am sure we have all seen this and noticed it and felt it, but we keep doing it.

Well we need to feel in control
we need to feel as if we are doing something
But the truth is by not fighting it, we are doing something. We are refusing to give our panic control over us.

I spoke about broken filters in another post and I will up date that post after my next session in the hope it will be of some support to others.

Lets imagine you have toothache
Lets also imagine the dentist is your biggest fear
Now imagine your toothache is driving you up the wall, you cant sleep, eat, work, talk because of the pain. Ok you take pain killers and for awhile they work but soon even the pain killers wont work. You have spent days if not weeks in pain because of your fear.

Now you have no choice but to go to the dentist and in fact you tell the dentist to rip the tooth out. In 5 mins the tooth is out and you feel AMAZING.

The way forward is to accept the panic, dont fight it by running around. Just sit or stand there and let it come until it comes and flows through you and is gone.

Ah but I cant face it
Ah but I cant cope
Ah I am afraid

Yes I know you are afraid and I know you feel you cant cope but you are stronger than you think and you will be able to face it