View Full Version : Screaming head to much thinking and noise

22-10-05, 23:14
Dose anyone feel like thay not only have too much thinking going on but like there is noise. Static or buzzing ect like some or all your sence are playing up at the same time and you cant shut them off.

I'm on an med thay is use for OCD and depression to stop repeated and unwanted thought's and while this seem to have shut off most of the feeling i was feeling I had a moment yesterday that this screaming happen but it was just my think and this morning I has the screaming thing happen with my scratching. I have not had all my sences scream at me all at once since being on the med's but I was just curious any one can relate to what i'm saying.

Screaming is my word for feeling like I have no or little control over it. when my sences scream at me it reminds me of if someone was standing right over me a screaming everything at me all at once some time's it feel like it would if 10 people were scream at and some time more or less ect depencing how intence i get. The screaming is want set my need to self harm off when all my sences were scream at me at the same time i would want to hide in a corner and bang my head or I'd feel the erg to cut ect.

I can handle the screaming better it dons't make me moody any more the med's have helped that. But before the med's if anyone including my kids was to come and say boo to me when the screaming was happening my first reaction would have been to ignore while telling my self to calm down and get with the programe basicly and if i couldn;t ignore fot what eva reason (you know life) then i would snap i learnt to stop and breath and try reasl hard to not to snap but it was trying to push start a huge truck it took a lot of concentration and lot of energy out me very mentally draining. I'm glad the mood swings have stop and the snapping has stopped and i think this is why my kids have being playing up a little bit thay are testing there mum to see what she how far thay can push me and while there behaviour is most;y good with a fue battle's lol I know my self that i have handle them far better during and after the battle. The flash images of wanting to slap them (which i never did it was but was scared maybe i would one day if i couldn't find away to stop the screaming)when thay are screaming "Your killing me " all becasue i said no drink till you clean you room or untill ect have stopped which on turn has stopped me thinking that i'm going crazy and I'm a bad mother because one day what if that immage make me snap and i do it. I have never told any one about that so i'm kinda feeling anxious about that now. I'm going to push threw it.

Just wondering if anyone get the screaming on any level this screaming was my what really make me feel like I'm the one person that think's i have anxiety but I'm really insane. which I know that insane people dont think thay are insane and thay cant control the impulses which is what the image were a slipt second inpules to act out something that i was feeling inside me. That makes more sence to me now that the the med's have stopped them. I still worry a little bit that someone is going to say "Oh my girl you need serious help your insane get away from me" which make me want to cry thinking that but I'm trying to push threw it now that i know med's can have stopped it. After the screaming thing yesterday Im a little worried that med are not working as well and might have to talk the dr about it and he might up the dose. ect ect i wont think to much it might set me off again.
