View Full Version : hi iam new

13-09-09, 09:09
hi iam new to this site just found out about it, iam married with 2 children i live on the isle of wight iv had panic and anxiety attacks on and of for years. but the past 2 years have got worse and i now find myself unable to get in a car or on a bus. iam plesed to have found this site as its nice to know that iam not alone although my husband understands its not the same as talking to peope who have been though it or who are going though it. as you can see i talk alot and write how i talk non stop lol. i also can not spell well so please bear with me. i hope to get to know many people on here and even make some new friends i will always help if i can and will always get back to anyone all the best blondegirl x :yesyes:

sarah jayne
13-09-09, 12:06
Hi, im also married with 2 children and suffer from panic attacks. Ive been suffering from them since i had postnatal depression when my youngest was born. I joined here last month and its been brilliant, its been great being able to speak to people that know waht im going through. Anyway, nice to meet you !
Sarah x

13-09-09, 13:49
Hi Blondiegirl

:welcome: to the 'family 'glad you found us. You are right there is nothing better than being around people who totally understand what you are talking about. like you i like to talk, a lot... sometimes i find it impossible to write just a few words, ive got to write a whole paragraph..:roflmao: drives my husband mad, i cant help it...
Anyway, you will get lots of support here, and there is lots of information in the left hand panel.
Hope fully speak to you again soon.

take care

P x