View Full Version : Am I have panic attacks

13-09-09, 11:02
I always thought it was just a phobia, but I've just found 1 dead ant in my front room and a live one in kitchen, I'm shaking, crying gone round like a mad woman with ant stuff, nearlly broke my back moving washing machine and I feel horrible. I feel really stupid about 1 little ant but I hate them. Please can someone offer any advice I'm due to see someoneon Thursday bt need help till then.
Many thanks

13-09-09, 11:04
Forgot to mention I'm scared about going out, because I don't know what I'll find when I come back, also scared to stay in because I'm constantly on edge looking for them, Is this normal or am I just an idiot.

13-09-09, 11:54
your not an idiot you have a phobia and phobias effect your life. I hope that Tgursday goes well and you get the help you need