View Full Version : Health anxiety back

anx mum
13-09-09, 12:21
Im really struggling again had a headache for about a month now so worried bout it got admitted 2 hospital it was that bad had ct scan of head lumbar punture and mri scan all come bk normal feel like im going mad doc is saying my anxiety is bk again. Been put on diazpam again this is never ending just want 2 b well.

14-09-09, 05:47
The worry can cause the tension head ache and the tension head ache can cause more worry. You can see how they can be linked.

I had a ct scan, and was also booked in for an mri scan, but as the ct scan was clear I cancelled my appointment for an mri.

I still get head aches and many other symptoms but I try not to add the second fear to them and make them worse. Its not always easy though. When I can stop thinking about them they seem to go away.

anx mum
14-09-09, 09:24
Thanx rod at my wits end with worry keep thinking ive got a brain bleed as my mum had one 3 years ago keep thinking it should of shown in mri test. Do u think it would of?

14-09-09, 09:57
Hi Anxmum

Dont know much about how these tests work but it sounds likely to me that that those test will show near everything and that is why they have been carried out. You know more about your head health that most other people!! Certainly me, i have never had these done.

Im very sorry to hear that happened to your mum . That must be a very stressfull thing for you... I personally would struggle a lot with that situation.

But i dont think that it makes it anymore likely to happen to you though.

I do know that when i am anxious the muscles in my neck and upinto the back of my head clamp right up and i get a sore head that makes me feel sick. It can last for a few days as well at a time. What helps is if i get my other half to firmly rub the muscle at the back of my neck up to my head...its almost like it frees them up.

Might help a little?

Hope your okay


14-09-09, 09:59
Think of it this way. At least you have had all these tests and they have come back clear, so you know your brain is fine. Your doctor said its anxiety. I would listen to your Doctor.
The problem is the worrying about it. This is what makes it worse.
I found reading Dr Claire Weekes book helpfull. I also find spending time on this forum to be very helpfull, just knowing your not alone. Every symptom I thought unique to me other people on this forum get every day.
Keep active, start a new hobby, pamper yourself when you need too, anything to help take your mind off it even for just an hour or a day or two and this will show you theres light at the end of the tunnel.