View Full Version : tingling in groin

13-09-09, 12:54
i keep getting this tingling pain in my groin area and like a pull pain

is this just my health anxiety playing up, as i keep thinking about this area?

13-09-09, 17:58
any one?

13-09-09, 18:13
Where abouts in your groin?

13-09-09, 18:37
round my testics area
i had this feeling and pain in this area for like 5 weeks

i seen my gp twice but he tell me he thinks just with my health anxiety and general aches and pain

13-09-09, 18:38
Can you be more specific about the sensation and the area it affects mate, i might be able to help have iv similar issues and have been to the doctors.

13-09-09, 20:02
the area were i getting this pain is were they look for a hernia

its just like a dull pain

i think me and you got the same worry

as i been to doctors twice and both time he felt round and check everything
but i cant stop my mind thinking

13-09-09, 20:05
Mines in the crease of my legs wotcanisay, it felt like tight kinda feeling not painful just tight its weird. Thought it was my glands swollen but got em checked and they said they are fine.
I only really notice it when I walk its strange

13-09-09, 20:17
i had them all around i even had pain in my privates

but a part from the pain i had nothing else

13-09-09, 20:19
What do you mean you had them all m8?

13-09-09, 20:26
i had all kind of different pain round my groin i even had pain in my testicles

13-09-09, 20:26
I think its fairly common to get pains there every now and then wotcanisay
Iv had em too and like you got em checked out and nothing serious was going on.

13-09-09, 20:40
yea i know
just hate it when i get pain in this area and dont know whjat it is

i just have to trust my doctor

13-09-09, 20:42
Me too mate me too, I trusted the doctor for a few days and I felt great knowing i had been checked and all was fine then i go back to worrying a few days later..could shoot myself sometimes

13-09-09, 20:52
totally with you
its hard to stop the mind thinking and looking for pain

13-09-09, 22:26
While it could be anxiety pain, it could also be due to constipation or hard stool thats in your gut.

I get this with my IBS - in that when I have a lot of hard or compacted stool, my groin will ache, sometimes even to the point where I feel nausious.

Also, it could even be strained if you have either:
a) done a lot of leg exercises which you are not used to
b) had an accident in which that area was involved
c) Sex/Masturbation - if you've done a lot of it
d) Straining too hard when having a bowel movement

As long as a doctor has checked them, particularly for something like testicular torsion (which it doesn't sound like it is, as you'd be in severe pain) then its probably nothing to worry about.

any of these ring a bell?

14-09-09, 12:11

Sorry i dont have these body parts but just wanted to say that my friend gets this type of pain with his IBS. He thought he had prostate probs but turns out IBS and nothing more.


14-09-09, 23:32
thank you all

its really hard to tell you were it is as am not sure how you put it but i try

its like just under my legs near my testicles and its not painfull

it just like a dull pain

15-09-09, 00:12
uh, maybe infection?? i wouldn't know how it hurts im not a dr or boy.... maybe get a urinary sample....

15-09-09, 00:45
dont think its that as going to toilet as same as ever and my urine sames ok