View Full Version : Strange head sensations

13-09-09, 14:03
Hi guys,

I have had the following symptoms somewhat on and off since Thursday.

* Strange feeling in my head (hard to describe, a specific spot on the top of my skull feels like theres a finger there or something)
* Another feeling in my head that feels like a needle is being stuck in (it's the best I can describe it, but it shoots down and goes away after a second)
* Legs shaking (I think thats from panicing) (only when it first occured, I think I paniced a LOT and that is what caused it)
*Feeling of having no blood in my head (well you know what I mean) after standing up -- I suppose it's light headedness
*Burning sensation in a part of my skull above my brain, but that also disappears.

A few months ago, I got nausea for about a week and a half. During this, I did go to the doctor and got a blood test, but I never got the results of this blood test, because it came right again (by itself), and my Mum said that they would inform me if my results were out of whack for any reason, so I forgot about it.

I of course think this is the perfect description of someone who has a brain tumor or some other life threatening problem.

PS: Sorry for deleting the other post, I changed some of the content of the post, as now I have had symptoms for a few days.

13-09-09, 14:25
Very common symptoms of anxiety. I get some quite odd head sensations. Sometimes a dull pressure, sometimes these 'zap' twinges.

The leg issue is probably like my arm pains, burning sensations and other things which I think are all related to tension. They go away when I'm relaxed enough, and especially when exercising, so that's enough to convince me there's really nothing wrong.

No blood in the head feeling? Hmm, like a light headed feeling? If so, that's the same as most get. You'll of course get it when you stand up etc. Normal but you are more sensitive to it with anxiety, and if you're not eating right you could have a bit of an imbalance in the body making it worse.

13-09-09, 14:30
Very common symptoms of anxiety. I get some quite odd head sensations. Sometimes a dull pressure, sometimes these 'zap' twinges.

The leg issue is probably like my arm pains, burning sensations and other things which I think are all related to tension. They go away when I'm relaxed enough, and especially when exercising, so that's enough to convince me there's really nothing wrong.

No blood in the head feeling? Hmm, like a light headed feeling? If so, that's the same as most get. You'll of course get it when you stand up etc. Normal but you are more sensitive to it with anxiety, and if you're not eating right you could have a bit of an imbalance in the body making it worse.

Yeah, well it's very strange how these can feel so real. Although a few months ago I got the body jolting when I was in bed accompanied and also I ended up getting nausea for a week and a half. Although, after going to the doctor and getting a blood test (I was fearing a Brain Tumor back then too), a few days later it went and no problems since, until now, so I didn't go back to the doctor to check the results, although my parents told me doctors contact you if there is a problem with the results. But now I've got this, I can't help but put two and two together (even though the symptoms have been months apart) :(

13-09-09, 14:40
It's quite annoying that doctors don't do that, but yeah it's usually "no news is good news". You can phone the surgery and ask them if they have the results and often the receptionist can just tell you that they came back negative, and you are entitled to discuss it with your doctor anyway.

I had the whole nausea thing too. Doctor thought it was acid build up due to the anxiety and probably was. Went on some meds to sort it out, which did help with the nausea.

Oh, and you added burning sensation in the head. Yep, had that too. Very weird, but all these symptoms go away quickly, especially if I keep myself occupied, go out for a drive/walk or do some exercise.

The way I look at it, is these head symptoms are brief and don't appear to be anything like I'd imagine something serious as I'd expect severe pains etc. They're not even like normal headaches. They are just quick twinges. A lot could be down to tension, at least in my case.

It's amazing how powerful the brain is at making symptoms seem (or be) real, and it can be very scary. It's taken me a while but I'm at the point of being able to tell my brain there is a rational reason for everything.

p.s. Stay away from Dr. Google! The worst thing is to look up symptoms, especially when you are in this state. :D

Oh, and check out the links on the left if you haven't already.

13-09-09, 14:49
Yes, Dr. Google is a very problematic thing for me and after last time I have been careful not to notice Dr Googles diagnoses. I also recommend being careful with Dr Wikipedia as well, as he/she is also full of doomsday diagnoses. My symptoms seem pretty constant, when I'm not occupied, but the symptoms change quite frequently. The light headedness and major sickness feelings all seem to occur when my mind is thinking about it. So far, I have woken up without my symptoms (to my knowledge), they seem to develop not too long after I get up. The problem also manifests itself as a pressure behind my eyes too. It does seem quite random in nature, although I know one of my eyes is not perfect (it can't focus very well), and I've had visual noise in my vision my whole life, so whether I am getting it from that (for the last week, I haven't been outside much and have been using the computer, etc, which I know is bad for me, but now I don't feel like going outside at all).

Another thing I noticed is that this morning, I woke up with a little bit of yellow gunk in my eyes. Also during the day, my eyes felt a bit tired as well, in fact they do so now. yesterday, my ears blocked up, although the open mouth wide trick unblocked them. But I have not heard of an illness that causes this combination of symptoms, so I'm really not sure.

13-09-09, 16:07
I also get burning forehead, dull pressure like feeling and sometime light headedness - I've been putting them down to anxiety. the dull feel is the worse - sometime when not feeling over anxiety I still have this dull pressure like feeling.

13-09-09, 23:20
On the eye thing. Do you wear contacts or glasses, and do you work with or use computers a lot? I was getting an eye bulging kind of feel for a while and it turns out it was the prescription on my contacts which had been boosted a year ago. It's the right prescription, but too strong for close work on computers. I've switch to my glasses and the problem has gone away. Optician has changed the contact prescription so will see how that goes.

But regardless, do you go for eye tests regularly (e.g. once every couple of years)? If not, it's worth going along. Could be you have an issue with your sight. Even though everything looks normal to you, the eyes could be straining and that can cause all kinds of tension issues which may lead to anxiety symptoms. Also as a bonus the eye tests check for a number of health issues. It's surprising what can be revealed about the rest of your health just from the eyes.

As for yellow gunk. Is this from the tear ducts? Probably nothing, but you could mention it to the optician or a doctor. It could be something simple like a blocked tear duct or a little infection. Could be an ear infection, or a simple cold or similar (ears, eyes and nose are all connected). A cold especially can block your ears and affect your eyes/nose and yeah doing the yawning thing may help. Don't be concerned about the word "infection". The human body is remarkably good at fighting infections and normally nothing needs doing. If symptoms don't improve or get worse, just pop along to the doctors.

But all that said, it could be something perfectly normal. I get a build up of "gunk" in one eye corner, usually in the morning. It's normal. Just wipe it away and get on with things.

13-09-09, 23:39
Also, I don't know whether the two problems are related, but I have trouble yawning. I can start to yawn, but my brain decides to terminate is half way and it doesn't feel "satusfying" like a normal yawn would.

13-09-09, 23:45
^^I have had the weird yawn thing. Usually ends up with me pulling a weird face and having strange pulsing feelings in my ears.

I get weird sensations with the head too and one of mine which I am wrorrying is tumour like is that my head feels asymmetrical! My right side at the back always feels heavier,this pulling down sensation or swelling so I think I have a tumour too but I wont dare go to docs about it :(

I also get strange lightheadedness. I have had all these things for so long though that if it was reaaally bad then I woud be alot more ill by now? I dunno. I try tell myself that!


13-09-09, 23:53
i have all of those CONSTNTLY! especially the finger on the head thing.For me its like, "Uh, mom,... theres an unknown hand on the right side of my face... help..." i think its just anxiety symptoms

13-09-09, 23:55
good link here: http://www.anxietycentre.com/anxiety-symptoms.shtml

14-09-09, 13:21
Hmm, well I feel really horrible, and I will probably go to the doctor on friday, I'm totally convinced it's something sinister like a brain tumor cause of the feeling of tiredness (and inability to concentrate) and pressure in my head.

14-09-09, 20:16
I know it's cliched around here to say "don't worry", but seriously... :D, chances of it being a brain tumour is very slim. There are so many other explanations and certainly everything you've described is much the same as many of us here get due to anxiety. In my view anxiety can cause a lot of stress on the body, and anxiety itself can also be due to stress, and fatigue, tiredness, all kinds of head twinges, light headedness, pressure etc, (and same all over the body) can be the result.

However, there's no harm in seeing your doctor just to check and for reassurance. Don't be too disappointed if it's all dismissed as anxiety though, as really that could be what it is. If that's the diagnosis, my only advice is to resist offers of anti-depressants like SSRIs as much as you can. I don't believe they are the solution. A relief perhaps if you really can't cope, but too many GPs just lurch for SSRIs and the side effects can make things worse.

The problem with anxiety I find is really you can get just about any symptom. It's hard to get your head round it and identify what is anxiety and what isn't.