View Full Version : anxiety 24/7

anxious elephant999
13-09-09, 15:33
im getting really concerned i have constant dizziness that nobody can find a couse for so they just keep telling me its anxiety , i have this dizziness and anxiety from the moment i wake up til i go to sleep (if i can sleep that is ) ive seen a few docs and had lots of tests which have come back ok , just that people keep telling me just to accept the dizziness and get on with my life but i cant it has made me so agrophobic that i even get scared of going down stairs in case i feel worse which i usually do , ive recently changed meds and just increased the dose last week but im not sure there going to work as theres no improvement yet , the other day i was so hysterical as i was having loads of intrusive thoughts about wether i loved my 10 year old daughter anymore and am scared im going to hurt her also told my husband to hide my medication coz im scared im going to take them all without realizing , i am suicidal at the moment or think i am ( im scared of dying so it dosnt make sense ) everyone says i wont do it coz thats wot im scared of but how can they be sure when i feel so low and confused and lost ,i hope i wouldnt commit suicide or harm anyone i love but its still on my mind , and this constant dizziness i have is making me have constant adrenaline /anxiety rushes i have tried to accecpt them but its getting worse instead of better ,i darnt hardly move because of the dizziness, i wont let my husband leave me alone as i have severe anxiety attacks about the dizziness , the dizziness makes it so i cant see properly so you can see why i darnt go anywhere , im proper fed up with it all and feel trapped in my own body , i woulnt feel so bad if i felt ok some of the time or it only happened in certain situations ,but its ther all the time ,how can i live another day like this when every step i take feels like im going to collaspe or the world starts to spin , ive had CBT which didnt work and they wont give me anymore , i was that bad on friday i had to ring the community crisis team who dont really do anything , i just feel like nobody can help me and i dont seem to be able to help myself ither , i really dont know what to do ,

13-09-09, 16:23
im just the same..dizzy !! it a bitch of a thing..i wake up in the morning usually ok..before i no it im dizzy,which makes me panacky..its a mad spiral effect...the more i think about it the worse it gets..really messes my life up..dont know what to do my self...i just try and keep busy..it helps sometimes...

anxious elephant999
13-09-09, 16:31
hi trev1234 how can you keep busy if your constantly dizzy i find myself trying to do things but the dizziness is there all the time which then makes me panic coz i cant see properly then i feel sick , all i want to do is lay down but then i get depressed because of it , i cant talk to people very well coz it feels like they keep moving , im so misarble and my family is suffering coz i wont go anywhere and dont want them to because i dont want to be on my own,im shaking all the time which i know is anxiety but still i feel ill constantly :hugs:

13-09-09, 16:35
Do you eat enough ?? im only asking because if i dont eat before taking meds they can make you dizzy and lightheaded. try too eat small amounts often i find it keeps dizziness at bay .

13-09-09, 16:36

Its a hard cycle to break, I go to bed wondering how i will feel Tomorrow and wake up wondering how i will feel today.
The dizzyness is one of the worst symptoms for me because it usually starts the others, it also how i score my day the less dizzy the better the day

Distrsction sometimes works for me too but you have to find something you can really get engrossed in

best wishes

anxious elephant999
13-09-09, 16:40
hi panic over the less dizzy i am the better i can cope ,and yep im the same go to bed thinking i will try really hard not to let dizziness bother me tomorrow but wake up everyday thinking i cant cope all day with this dizziness and panic then it goes from bad to worse :hugs:

13-09-09, 16:50
do u drink ?..i have to have a drink sometimes to cope..(NOT RECOMENDED)i really suffer myself..sometimes have to thro myself on the setee in fear im going to fall..i also feel in the way of my family..its a real hard situation to deal with..im a bit of a battler so i really try not to give up..question for you.."is yr husband and family supportive ?"

anxious elephant999
13-09-09, 16:57
Hi trev yes some of the time husband is suppotive but always throw the fact that he gave up work to look after me back in my face and he can be great for a day or two then he starts being nasty and sarcastic about the dizziness or tells me hes going out or something which then gives me an anxiety attack or he will say well you ither come with me or stay on your own which is crap when you are a quivering wreck , my mum and dad, and sister are supportive but my sister works full time and i get too afraid to goto her house or parents house to be looked after coz of feeling ill while im there and the journey ther too:hugs:

13-09-09, 17:08
Sounds like the hubby is not helping matters
i know it can be hard for those around us but thats because the really dont understand
Thats what is great bout this site

anxious elephant999
13-09-09, 17:17
You are right hubbie isnt helping matters the last couple of days he was great , didnt make me do anything i felt i couldnt and i didnt feel as anxious but today hes been well lets just say not so great and i feel really bad again , i have told him that when hes nasty i feel worse so he just puts progrss back agai but he just says" well im fed up with it all " JUST DONT THINK HED BE LIKE THAT IF HE WAS THE ONE WHO WAS GOING DIZZY :hugs:

13-09-09, 17:27
look dont mean to sound nosey here but do you fell controlled by husband..forgive me if im hitting wrong thought..how do you feel about yourself as a person..?

13-09-09, 17:41
PM if u want........

13-09-09, 18:47
oops sorry..just a thought..hope u r ok ..

13-09-09, 18:56
Like i said
They dont know what it is like or how bad you really feel
Its only other sufferers that can understand

Stay strong x

13-09-09, 19:45
mate i suffer totally..GAD...drives me crazy...to much too xplain..thanks

anxious elephant999
14-09-09, 14:06
Hi no i dont feel controlled by my husband well not all the time , i do feel a little more controlled now im ill than i used to ,u c i was boss in this house before i was ill , but now im too scared to be left on my own i do feel like a little child but thats not his fault its mine for being so scared of this dam dizziness , ive had it real bad today and we had to go to the bank and post office and i had to drag my poorly daughter out too coz i was too scared of the dizziness that i couldnt stay ay home , please someone tell me how to get rid of this dizziness or how to live with it :ohmy: