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View Full Version : stop breathing when trying to sleep?

13-09-09, 17:24
Hey, im a really bad sleeper anyway, but recently going to sleep has been a nightmare for me! i had another panic attack yesterday, which really shook me up but going to sleep was where it all kicked off...
Im lying in bed and im constantly jolting up gasping for air, then it feels like my heart stops. I kept feeling like someone was suffocating me, and it kept happening through the night, didnt sleep till gone 5am :( its really draining on me now, ive had it before but not as bad as last nite, i literally believed i wasnt gonna wake up today and that i would have died in my sleep because i could barely breathe
Does anyone else have this, and any advice on how 2 make it happen less or even go away? Today my chst now feels tight and that theres holes in my lungs as breathing still isnt great, plus im a smoker so scared it might be because of that, and some how damaged my lungs already.
Any advice would be great thank you xx

13-09-09, 17:56
Yes I've had this a couple of nights, once I was awake all night and didn't sleep till the next. It will pass and it won't harm you, you just have to try and tell yourself that.

But if your worried about your breathing I'd try to quit the smoking.

13-09-09, 17:58
Thanks for the reply :) yeah i was going to quite smokin earlier this year, but doctor told me 2 wait as it could have made my anxiety worse?! but i am considering it soon. Thanks again x

13-09-09, 20:50
Just letting you know you are not alone & I actually find it reassuring that somebody else has this!
I get this when my anxiety is high...I had it last night actually & last year I had it for nights on end. I was scared to go to bed! I know it sounds dramatic but I when it happens you think that you will die in your sleep.
I too am a bad sleeper & always have been. In fact I havn't "slept through" sinceI was a child & have constantly disturbed sleep that I just accept now!
When it happens it feels like my heart has stopped & i have to sit up to breathe. I have to yawn on purpose to get a breath. Feels like I can't get enough air (also palps) & the next day my chest feels really funny - really hard to describe! when it was at it's worst it was happening up to 30 times a night & I actually went to A&E!! Madness! xx

13-09-09, 20:55
aww thank you so much for your reply hun, its really getting to me now, and have thought about going to the doctors, but i know they will turn me away sayin its just the anxiety. It really is reassuring im not alone, as the thought of sleep for me now is also pure dread. thanks for puttin my mind at ease, and hope it calms down for you soon. xx

13-09-09, 21:06
That's o.k just glad I'm not alone too!! Really hope it calms down for you too. I remember having it for nights on end - I hardly slept & thought I would never wake up the next day! My husband found it really hard & later confessed to lying awake at night just checking that I was still breathing cos I scared him so much sitting up struggling to breathe!
I was on Citalopram for a while & it disappeared when I was taking it which was such a relief but i get it on & off now especially when I'm stressed!
I've had ECGs & things are fine! Do you get breathless during the day at all?
Fingers crossed you will sleep o.k tonight & that it all subsides..!:)

13-09-09, 21:18
Thank hun, awww i can see why your husband would worry, its such a scary thing. I wouldnt say i was breatheless through the day, but today i have been but im not sure if its linked from such a bad night last night. i was having a good 2 weeks before this week, and its thrown me completely. I really thought i was going to die in my sleep as i couldnt breathe normally atall. just hoping tonight goes well :( ive been given beta blockers and some diazapam, but they dont really help, plus save the valium for realy bad days.
My breathing hasnt been great today, so guessing it wil happen all over again tonight. its the scariest feeling ive had yet through all this anxiety, i cant believe how the body reacts to it! the minds a powerful thing!!
How long you been suffering hun? do u think the doctor could reccomend something to make the nights easier?
Thanks for your support, its really helping xxx

13-09-09, 21:36
I know it's such a scary feeling! Just horrible! I refused to believe it was anxiety before but seeing as I havn't died yet & i'm still here I suppose it must be!! Lol!
My symptoms of anxiety started about 2 & half years ago - I had trouble breathing, throat spasms, palps all the time, heart stopping sensation at night, dizzyness, feelings of being detached.... the list goes on! Thought I had a terminal illness at one point cos my physical symptoms were horrendous - would be sooo scared & would cry cos I thought I was dying! doc put me on beta blockers too be didn't work either! I don't even know what started this whole anxiety nightmare - it's as if my body doesn't know how to act normally!
Citalopram helped soo much was on it for 10 months but came off it myself in feb this year. I know that my syptoms are still there but to be honest I just "live" with them which is really hard at times. Really don't wanna go back on meds but some days I feel like going back to docs....!
Stay strong - this anxiety lark is a nightmare & causes no end of probs! Just glad there are others on here that offer support - glad I'm not the only one to feel like this - it's very reassuring! See docs if you can't cope with it
PM me at any time if you want x

27-02-10, 09:22
Hey, im a really bad sleeper anyway, but recently going to sleep has been a nightmare for me! i had another panic attack yesterday, which really shook me up but going to sleep was where it all kicked off...
Im lying in bed and im constantly jolting up gasping for air, then it feels like my heart stops. I kept feeling like someone was suffocating me, and it kept happening through the night, didnt sleep till gone 5am :( its really draining on me now, ive had it before but not as bad as last nite, i literally believed i wasnt gonna wake up today and that i would have died in my sleep because i could barely breathe
Does anyone else have this, and any advice on how 2 make it happen less or even go away? Today my chst now feels tight and that theres holes in my lungs as breathing still isnt great, plus im a smoker so scared it might be because of that, and some how damaged my lungs already.
Any advice would be great thank you xx

Hi Im lorraine just found this site it has really helped me. I get this some nights just as I am going off to sleep. I can actually feel myself going off to sleep and this sort of rising tightness in my chest that wakes me with a jolt and feel like I cant breath. Had it three nights on trot. It just passed in the end.

27-02-10, 15:01
hi, i have this too. i tend to go through bouts of it. its scary and frustrating as you just want to sleep.

sarah x

19-11-11, 11:49
My god.. you guys dont know how happy I am to see your stories.. obviously not "at" the stories.. because Im going through the same thing at the moment and know how you all feel.. its frightening. Its only happened to me the last fortnight or so.. but its got to the stage now where Im worrying about it..and if things are going change anytime soon. As I havent registered with a new doctor yet..Im actually ready to go to A@E at my local hospital..but now Im feeling a bit easier knowing Im not alone in this problem..