View Full Version : Anxious new friend!

13-09-09, 17:25
Hi everyone:) I've actually been getting help from this site already by just reading everyones old posts! I've finally decided to register myself and hope i can chat to people like me!!!! I have suffered from anxiety before about 6 years ago and took citalopram 20mg ! it really worked and after short time i felt much better!! i stayed on tablets for years probably from habit but came off about may time slowly!! I am a primary teacher and this summer hol about 2 weeks in my panic and anxiety hit me over the head like a sledge hammer!:scared15: I went back to doc and i took citalopram 10 mg for one week and i've now been on 20mg for what will be 5 weeks this tue! I think i am slowly getting better! the first 4 weeks were dreadful! i don't remember it being as bad before!! i managed to be bridesmaid for my best friend this weekend and stayed away from home for first time since anxious again! I was so proud of my self but i'm feeling anxious again today now that i'm home! i'm trying to think of it as blip rather than set back!!!! i find mornings are hard!! i wake up feeling panicky but gradually feel better during day!! I used to be really happy and fun loving but at times i feel like i have a continuous battle with myself telling my self to enjoy things!!! do you think i'll continue to make progress over coming weeks? I am pleased that i'm much better than few weeks ago!!!!!!! also i'm trying to find relaxation classes but i don't really know where to look! my doc doesn't know! big hug to everyonexxxx:hugs:

14-09-09, 11:29
and welcome to nmp :welcome:
yes its just a blip although i dont say that lightly... the blips are horrid and i think it hits us more as we know what its like to feel better...
it will pass ,
yes you will make progress...each of us do however small it seems it is an achievment.

14-09-09, 14:30
:welcome: hi and welcome to NMP

14-09-09, 14:37

I have just started on citalopram 20mg, been on it for 4 weeks and still do not seem to have any benefits from taking it.I have faith in the tablets and from what other people have written on this forum so i shall continue to take it and hopefully improve soon
