View Full Version : its back with a vengeance! does anyone else feel the same!

13-09-09, 18:00
hi all. have suffered with anxiety/panic for over 10 yrs but generally do much better on anti depressants. have been on last one for 2 years after trying to come off them and becoming terribly panicked. not sure if they are not working as they should as for last few months have been feeling terrible but have stopped myself from rushing back to docs and with acceptance have been getting through and having good days amongst the bad.

This week i had a terrible attack of what the doctor thinks are gallstones plus i have been waking with an awful tension headache every day. I have come off the pill (if i don't have periodic breaks i get really bad ovulation pain) and have had some pain from that and yesterday i could feel the panic growing and my heartbeat doing at least 115. Managed to calm after about 5 hours but woke this morning with terrible headache again and wham! heart rate shoots up - i feel sick, shaky and have spent the day in tears - woe is me sort of thing as i cannot believe i could ever re visit this black hole again and here i am! :unsure:

does anyone else go through really bad patches? or get terrible headaches (have been checked out for these yrs ago and all fine then). i have an appointment with my gp on the 25th - she is fully booked until then but she knows my history. i did ring the out of hours gp and he has given me beta blockers to calm me down. i think i am very stoic regarding pain as has suffered a lot of it in the past and i am normally really good at floating past these episodes but so sick of suffering!!!!!!