View Full Version : Hubby has bad panic attacks and anxiety now.

13-09-09, 18:02
He was put on a med to help with pain in his neck and sholder and that was Cymbalta then they had him up to 60m upped him to 120 and then 9 days later had seziurs and advers affects. After that he was off it came off to quick but was put on Citalapram and that worked at 20m then they upped and it got worse and then they upped it again and it got even worse and then they upped it again and he is worse yet. Now he can not even go outside with haveing a panic/anxiety attack and it is hard for our 5 kids to see their dad this way. Trying to find a way to work him thorugh this all. Hoping to detox him and it all reverts back to the way it was but there is a chance that it wont. :mad:

I just want to know what I can do to help him get thorugh this all. OUR lives have taken a spiral into hell since may of this year.

thanks Sarah

13-09-09, 19:01
Best thing you can do is be strong and supportive, as a sufferer i need the people around me to do what i need to to get through it, sometimes thet means being on my own whic may be hard for them but having people fuss can make it worse for me

Not much help i know

Veronica H
13-09-09, 23:17
:bighug1: You poor things what a nightmare. I think he should return to his Doctor as the meds donot seem to be helping. Citalopram doesnot suit everyone. Citalopram leaves the system very quickly so it is not a good idea to just stop taking it, so the Doctor will be able to help with a gradual withdrawal if that is required. There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes called 'Self Help for Your Nerves' published by Thorsens. This is available from the NMP shop. I can not recommend this enough for those of us with panic anxiety, as it really explains what is happening to us and how we can recover.
