View Full Version : Starting college!

13-09-09, 18:37
I'm starting my second year at college tomorrow :ohmy: but I don't know why I'm scared lol coz its my second year so you would expect me to be all right but I'm not that good at making new friends, well everyone says I am but I don't think I am lol my first year there was only another 3 people in my class so it was easy, i made a good friend but this year he is doing the level below me and will not be in ma group.

On top of that I have a fear of a panic attack in front of people i hardly no and they will think I'm bonkers lol Any advice would be great :D

13-09-09, 19:19
I'm in a similiar situation as I'm just about to go into my third year and have just started to panic over it. I think we are probably stressing more becuase these years are going to be more demanding than the onhes we've already done.

As I'm pretty much going through the same thing I can't really offer you much advice as i need help myself hehe.

Tyhe only thing I think I can help you with is worrying about having an attack in front of other people. I really struggled with this becuase I was really embarrassed with what was happening, so i tried to pretend that I was the same old me and never really let anyone know what was going on.

However, as I've now been suffering quite a while I've learnt not to be embarrassed about it but proud that I'm not letting it overtake my life (most of the time). This means that I generally tell people that I get panic attacks. This jsut puts me at ease because I then know that if i did get a panic attack it wouldn't come as much as a shock to people and it would be easier to make my excuses and leave.

Obviously everyone feels different, but if you do feel you can be upfront and honest about it, I do think it will make you feel better. I'm often surprised how unshocked people are about it, it's more common than you sometimes think it is when you're struggling by yourself.


13-09-09, 19:46
Thank you :D

Yeah it's just that I do stupid things when I'm having an attack lol say stupid things ect.

14-12-10, 00:49
I've just applied for an evening class at college..very little choice of courses so I went for some computer one on databases. I hate them but I thought it would get me out the house..bad news is it costs £70.

I've dropped out of college loads and turned down the chance to go full time last summer. But this is one evening a week..not sure if it's good or bad but maybe it's worth a go? I wasted loads on driving tests and failed so what's £70 if I go and drop out and hate it?

Any advice? :shrug: