View Full Version : Tightness

13-09-09, 19:37
Hi guys im back again with worrys yet again.
Went to the doctor last week worried my glands in my groin , creases of legs were swollen but was told they are in perfect shape and nothing wrong with them. She couldnt find any problem there at all.
Despite this im worrying again even though I was quite happy with her examination, I still have a tight feeling in the creases of my legs.
Wondering if anyone has any idea why I might have this...
I do very little walking/exercise and have put on allot of weight in eight months.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated

13-09-09, 20:38

13-09-09, 22:31
Where are the creases in your legs, i've not heard this term before

13-09-09, 22:34
The groin ie where your legs attach to the groin

13-09-09, 22:41
I think you've possibly answered your own question...

Doing little or no exercise, specially with anxiety problems will cause problems.
I have restless leg syndrome due to anxiety and the fact I don't exercise - so I can feel my whole leg filling up with tension then it will spasm or jerk randomly. The sensation starts at the top of my leg, near my groin or deep within my thighs and then work its way down until it spasms

Also check my reply to another thread entitled "tightness in groin" as there may be an answer for you there

13-09-09, 22:42
I read it thanks nah my groin tension is not related to lack of sex or bowl movements

13-09-09, 22:44
Does your leg feel tight as a result of lack of exercise btw?
Because im wondering if this is the reason for me, saying that though I walked for a few miles the other day and it still felt tight. I cant feel it when im drunk however

13-09-09, 22:53
it doesn't feel tight as such all the time, only when the sensation builds up. I only get it when I'm lying down going to sleep, but restless leg syndrome can come on at any time at rest, but is most common at night - again, which by the sound of it doesn't sound like what you have.

It could be anxiety related as muscles tense up if you have an anxiety disorder, and usually when you're drunk or drinking you're relaxed as your mind is elsewhere.

If you're that concerned about it, see your doc again, or see another doc for a 2nd opinion. However when you explain your symptoms and they ask you "do you exercise" they will straight away tell you pretty much the same thing, that the lack of exercise, plus anxiety problems is causing it.

13-09-09, 22:55
They said lack of exercise can cause a pressure/tightness there if i recall. Also that the added weight I put on quickly over eight months could also be the cause.
It just doesnt sink into my head. Im gonna go with the answer lack of exercise makes the muscles there tight. Plus the tightness isnt there all the time just comes.

13-09-09, 23:01
Yes, you just have to get on with things, as long as you're walking ok without discomfort then there's no serious cause for concern.

I too am slightly overweight with a very low exercise rate, and a fairly bad diet at times and yes, I have problems when resting because of this and my anxiety.

Try doing a 30 minute brisk walk every day, and perhaps cutting out really fatty foods or fizzy drinks for a while (dont cut them out completely as your body needs healthy levels of salt and sugar) I try and do this as much as possible and it does stop my restless leg because with brisk walking makes circulation better and gets rid of tension

13-09-09, 23:02
Thanks for the advice RJB, like you said there's no serious discomfort its certainly not painful.
How do you have problems resting?

13-09-09, 23:08
because i pretty much don't do exercise other than when I do the 30 or so minute brisk walk and work, so a lot of time I spend at home doing nothing. I never had a problem with it before until my anxiety disorder came on.

So basically I have loads of adrenaline shooting round my body (which is basically what anxiety pains are - the result of a high amount of adrenaline going around your body), all this energy being produced, and i'm not getting rid of it, so i'm restless. When lying down I have to move my legs about to temporarily releive the symptoms of my restless leg syndrome.

13-09-09, 23:09
Ah i see what you mean, I dont really suffer from that.
Im not going back to the doctors been to them too many times in the last couple of weeks and they all said im fine, I pick up some lorazipam tomorrow so ill see if that calms my nerves down a bit and gets me back on track with normal thinking instead of obsessing.

13-09-09, 23:12
well the exercise will take your mind off things - walk somewhere nice like a park, take in the scenery whilst listening to your ipod, and make sure the music you listen to on there isn't fast or aggressive!

and so you don't get bored, vary your route every day

13-09-09, 23:13
Thanks rjb ill try that, im thinking the tightness might also be caused by a stretch mark down there. I guess that would make the skin feel kinda tight