View Full Version : Panic Out of Nowhere

13-09-09, 21:06
I was just wondering how many people get panic attacks that seem to come out of nowhere.

For me, sometimes my panic attacks can have a trigger. Perhaps I've had too much caffeine or sugar, or maybe there's a weird feeling and I noticed it and it freaks me out, or something of that nature. But sometimes it seems like they just come out of nowhere. I'm feeling fine and nothing seems wrong, and suddenly I just get panic attack symptoms (racing heart, feel like i might pass out, etc.). So yeah, again, just wondering how many people deal with this.

13-09-09, 21:52
I do! oh yea panic attacks happen out of NOWHERE sometimes. like my first one... and my second... and my third panic attack happened out of nowhere.

When i feel one coming on i say, "Silly girl, your just having panic but nothings wrong.. Chillax"

13-09-09, 22:08
Yeah, they are much easier to manage, for me at least, when I can see them coming on for some reason. When they just suddenly hit me, that's when I tend to freak out, especially because then I worry it's not just panic but something physically wrong. :-/

14-09-09, 14:03
I usualy describe my PAs .......
In the old films you see the woman tied to the train track and she sees the train hurtling toward her - the impact of it hitting her, that is the fear that strikes me. Totally helpless. Truly terrifying.

14-09-09, 15:48
I find this thread quite interesting particularly as it appears I am the only one so far to be able to identify what triggers my panic. My theory is that I don't fear panic and never have, so I have never escalated an anxious state into a panic one by anticipation. When I am driven into panic it is always due to a phobic reaction. I would deduce that those of you who are often unaware of you panic trigger are suffering from anticipatory panic. You fear panic so much that when you feel anxious it can sometimes lead to you anticipating that you might go into panic. And this would increase your anxiety and potential bring on a panic attack.

Of course I might have just read all this somewhere. :D

All the best


15-09-09, 20:31
for me, p.a's and anxiety can seem to come out of nowhere although i now realise its due to my negative thinking patterns. they also have triggers too :)

15-09-09, 21:16
In my case most of my panic attacks seem to come out of nowhere, and then because there seems to be no obvious trigger for me having a panic attack, I then start panicking that it is actually something medical that is wrong with me rather than anxiety. I wish that I was able to rationalise and tell myself it's just my anxiety and nothing else, but the fear sadly always takes over.

15-09-09, 21:34
I know what you mean Amanda - it starts off with some weird feeling, and that causes me to freak out, which makes things worse. I take solace though in the fact that I can control my attacks though. If it were something seriously physically wrong with me, I would not be able to control it. :)

15-09-09, 21:51
I know what you mean Amanda - it starts off with some weird feeling, and that causes me to freak out, which makes things worse. I take solace though in the fact that I can control my attacks though. If it were something seriously physically wrong with me, I would not be able to control it. :)

Yeah, I know what you mean, it is a really weird feeling and that starts my heart racing and then full blown panic ensues :huh: I just really wish that I was able to control the attacks. I have tried the brown paper bag and the rescue remedy etc but nothing seems to take it away. I hope to one day at least be able to control them and to think more rationally

17-09-09, 04:58
Mine usually start with a bodily sensation and then a thought that i may be seriously ill and even though i may reassure myself and feel ok, it will be later in the day that the heart beat, breathlessness, spacey feelings kick in!
Do any of you sometimes feel like there is a vibration or shaky feeling under your skin just randomly?

sarah jayne
17-09-09, 08:22
Mine can come out of nowhere, sometimes i can be relaxing eating my tea and i'll have one . Other times they happen when im anxous about something,

17-09-09, 16:27
Mine come/came from nowhere. If I'm anxious about something I try and control it so I dont have a panic attack by positive thinking.

The major attacks I have had have been when I'm least expecting it & feel perfectly fine. Because of this its now a vicious circle because I now worry about going places in case I have one, when before I didnt think about it.

17-09-09, 18:31
Mine appear to start with a pressure in my stomach then a breathless feeling this continues and works up into a panic attack which appears to happen anywhere.......
