View Full Version : I must be going crazy.

13-09-09, 23:47
Hey everyone, im a little worried, i havent been havong the same thoughts as i normally would

At night before i go to sleep, i see images of things ive never seen before flash through my head, and it keeps me up! i havent slept well in over two months and i dont know what to do!!! i just lay my head down then images of people and ideas and voices flash through my mind!!

During the day its a little different, i have thoughts like if im one the computer i think, "i pushed the tab button now where's my soda?!" or i was at a friends house and she laughed and i thought, "Chloe's hyper this morning" and her name isnt even Chloe! she just gave a weak laugh. but these thoughts just shoot from nowhere and i dont know hat happening!

Is this an effect from anxiety, am i going mad, am i possesed by a demon, is it just puberty?? whats wrong with me??

14-09-09, 00:10
Sweety,I think you're getting yourself worked up to high doh that you're overly analysing yourself now!!

I too have had the mad thoughts and images of random things pop in the head but if you were "truly" crazy,you would not wonder,"hmm am I crazy?"

Genuine crazy people,like schizophrenics etc don't know they are,to them,they are just stoting about like normal but theyre talking to themselves or dressed odd or something.

And the images and things happening before you go to sleep sounds almost like you are having strange sorts of sleep realted things..wher e you are still conscious but not fully,I can't explain lol...but for instance,I was halfway falling aslepp but I was still relatively conscious and I thought a guy grabbed my head and shouted,"BAGEL!" at me..

Now,I know this NEVER happened but I thought,"WHAT THE HELL,I MUST BE ABSOLUTE BONKERS"

But I'm not!Just overy overly worried about EVERYTHING! But I know I am not crazy and you aren't either,nor ar eyou posessed by a demon petal xxx

14-09-09, 09:32
I totally agree with Weemee, its not that your thoughts are weird its just the emotions that they are creating in you are stronger than usual becuase you are anxious. Beleive me you always have these thoughts but you wont usually pay any attention to them or judge them like you do when your stressed and anxious hun.

Weemee- the bagel story is the funniest thing!!!!!


14-09-09, 12:05
Hiya hun

I had this for a very long time and I think I still have it to some degree, I know this sounds glib try not to worry about it, I used to be absolutely terrified of this and thought I was

1.Losing my mind or having some sort of weird brain degenerative disease.

Almost two years on I have not lost my mind and I am not aware of any other problems my anxiety has almost faded away now I still get times when it comes back like now I have a bout of flu and my sleep is all over the place. I think it is a normal reaction when you are in a state of very very high anxiety. By the way never thought I would be typing this to someone.

Hope things improve for you soon


14-09-09, 13:52
Was quite offended by Wee-mees post genuine crazy people like schizophrenics?
Well im schizophrenic, I dont consider myself to be crazy thanks and I dont dress abnormally.
Maybe you should read my post in the symptoms section to get a better understanding about the condition.
But then again I did put odd socks on last week, could this mean im getting worse omg

14-09-09, 14:27
Luke..I didn't mean to offend. I wasn't trying to patronize. I admit I am ignorant about Schizophrenia and don't know alot about it.. but I don't think you had to respond in such a horrible manner. I wasn't having jibes. You really do not need to be offended. I'm sorry :(

14-09-09, 14:28
I didnt think I had replied in a horrible manner.

14-09-09, 14:35
pm'ed you Luke,again,sorry.

14-09-09, 14:39
Tried to reply wee-mee but your inbox is full or something so ill say it here instead.
Dont worry and thanks for the apologie dont think my reply in the thread was horrible/horrible sounding i was trying to be humorous.