View Full Version : Depersonalization!?

14-09-09, 05:28
Hi, for about two hours now i feel like i've been having some scary depersonalization and/or derealization, and i wanted to describe it to see if others have felt this way.
- general feeling of unfamiliarity
- bit of dizziness, maybe like the room is swimming
- don't feel like myself, i'm finding it a lot easier to converse just naturally (not like usual)
- kind of like i might pass out
- little like i'm afraid of soon having a psychotic or bipolar episode

I did smoke some marijuana about two and a half hours ago, but i haven't had this effect before, and it didn't start until about an hour an half after the act.
I'm just panicking thinking 'did that little amount of pot send me over the edge for a triggering of bipolar disorder or schizo?'
I'm really quite scared. Anybody else ever feel like this? Could it be depersonalization?
Thank you

14-09-09, 05:52

- it feels like it might if i was really drunk (but part of me was conscious and able to think that 'i won't remember this in the morning')
- i'm afraid that i might start hearing things or seeing things
- a tiredness that's so seemingly acute that it feels like i could pass out from it
- afraid that i'm seeing too many of those little flashes of light in the corners of my vision

sorry some of this is confusing, but that's why i feel so afraid

02-03-17, 06:50
Sorry old post but do you still have it?