View Full Version : Might be being silly just need some reassurance :(

14-09-09, 11:55
Hello :)

Since being young i have always been prone to nose bleeds, not a daily occurance but i remember sitting in the nurses station with my head back many times and as i have got older i have them now and again and they have never really bothered me until i was diagnosed with Anxiety!

My last blood test was about 1 year and a half ago and everthing was fine, and i think i suffered from the occasional nose bleed now and then but never really gave it a second though as they dont really affect my life, for just over a month i have had a bit of a snotty nose not really a cold but in the mornings and evenings i am a bit sniffly and my nose it itchy and i have had a few nose bleeds.

When i look back i do suffer occasionally from a itchy nose and i dont know if this can cause nose bleeds, i never have them when im out (probably because i dont like itching my nose in public)

I think im being silly but i read that they can can be a sign of Leukemia and now im really scared :(

I dont want to go to my doctor because i always seem to be in there for one thing or another and i think i know im being silly as i know you have littles vessels in your nose and if you rub them hard they will probably burst! just need some reassurance i hate ANXIETY!!! :weep: thanks for reading xxx

14-09-09, 12:05
Hey Meg

Dont worry hun. Whats happening here is you have a little peice of info about something but there is so much more to the symptoms thing for luekeamia that your anxiety is filing inthe blanks.

Luekeamia does muck about with your blood thats true...but so does soooooooooooooooooooooooo many other things......stress and anxiety being a major one!! When you are stressed your body pumps out cortisol and adrenaline and this can have the effect of thinning the blood a little. This can be worse if you are female and also have monthly hormones in yours system or even more so birth control or some other hormone control medication, this all lowers certain blood cell counts that cause the blood to be thinner and the little cappilaries and veins to be weaker. All totally normal though!!!

I get an itchy nose all the time and it either feels dry or stuffy and runny. It comes with my anxiety and when you are anxious your circul;ation changes slightly so that blood is diverted to your main muscles rather than you extremities ie..nose. With less blood going there there is less mucous made and it causes dryness wich in turn causes itching and running ( weirdly) becuase of the itching. I get itchy ears as well, also dry mouth and sometimes itchy eyes and a dry sinus headche.

Soeey that goes on a bit but I hope that you can see that there a zillion reasons for your nose bleeds and leukemia seems very very very very low reason for it!!

Have you ever had your blood routinely checked at docs?


14-09-09, 12:28
Thanks Lisa :)

I never knew any of this!! and it makes sense so thanks a million :)

I have had anxiety for 2 years so for the first 6 months i had my bloods checked alot for them to ensure that nothing else was causing my anxiety, i know deep down i am being silly, i think ive had 2 maybe 3 in the last 2 months and before that it was prob January time, i think i need to stop itching my nose i know sometimes a small knock can burst these vessels, and i do itch a bit frantically.

Sometimes a little reassurance goes a long way! thanks for taking the time to post :) xx