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View Full Version : What about physical symptoms?

23-10-05, 23:33
I'm talking lumps etc. About 70% of my fears have been based on these, and I'm a bit concerned that everyone on here has internal sources of anxiety (pains) and that I'm the only one who worries about physical abnormalities. And yes I went to the doctor and he said I'm fine.

24-10-05, 03:53
I have physical symptoms that I have had axniety trouble with but I have so many anxiety that i dont think i have time to think about all of them all at once and when i focus on fue at time and get over them more just come to surface and the anxiety starts again with new issues that i have away had but were not at the top of my list to pay attenstion to.

I had a mole that was bugging me for years that i was scared was cancer and I finaly had it cut out a fue years ago.

I have funny lump on the feet that I have been ignore since i was kid that hurt it I touch the or walk the wrong way and still cant get them look at I convince my self it donst effect me i can deal with it cause if tell the dr he think I'm crazy that I'm worried about the lump on my feet that have been them for ever and thay are part of my feet. I'm more scared that it may cause my arch's to collaps and then I will have realy bad feet and wont be able to walk. When i touch the lump it's like my foot get's a crap. I dont know why and I'd love to know why but I'm too scared to ask.

I had a health fear as young as 9 about not being able to have a baby when i wanted to have. It was my obsession as a child it was in my thought's daily.

I had another heath anxiety that i had breast cancer as soon a I hit pubity that i still wonder about some time's.

The fear is harder to get to past if you have lump's but it can get better.

24-10-05, 13:47

Fat deposit in the form of cholesterol can build up under the skin and you can feel little ball like lumps when squeezing between the fingers...cancer on the other hand produces unmistakable signs that the GP is very unlikely to miss.It can happen but is very rare especially if test have been done ;)

24-10-05, 18:09
Not the only one then :) Mum2four, I know exactly what you mean, one thing goes away then another thing comes along and is ur main focus having been too worried about the previous thing to give it much thought - or someting entirely new and equaly unwelcome comes up. I worry about my genitalia a lot as obviously they are very important.

Buffybot - is that the breasts or just about anywhere?

24-10-05, 19:32
I have this as well. If it's not one thing, it's another. This really is common amongst anxiety sufferers - you're not alone!! :D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

24-10-05, 23:07
Gd gd :) Only just now I noticed a bobbly red patch on the top of my right shouler from where I must've been scratching and I was like "whassat???" And I'm way too curious about feeling and searching for stuff. Gah.

27-10-05, 23:35
I UNDERSTAND HOW YOU FEEL. i had a benign tumor removed...gone.. not there anymore.... im still in recovery mode.. but have been told.. its fine and your gunna be fine.. BUT I CANT GET OVER IT!!!! its on my mind every 5 minutes.

I think my Health is what I panic about the most!!