View Full Version : Always hot

14-09-09, 12:26
My temperature at rest is always 37.2, I feel hot and I'm always sweaty.
I don't feel anxious and doing the slightest thing raises my temperature.
I am aware that this temperature is on the upmost edge of a "normal" reading but I certainly don't feel normal. Is a constant temperature of 37.2 indicative of anything and is there anything I can do to lower my temperature on a permanent basis?

14-09-09, 14:03
I take it you do suffer from health anxiety or anxiety in general petal?

What sort of things raise your temperature? If you're notciing that your temp goes up not doing anything but you're worrying or focusing on that then,maybe it's prolonging it or something?

I don't really know alot about temps or anything but the only thing I can suggest is see your gp?? Have you spoken to a gp about it at all?xx

14-09-09, 14:38
My temperature at rest is always 37.2, I feel hot and I'm always sweaty.
I don't feel anxious and doing the slightest thing raises my temperature.
I am aware that this temperature is on the upmost edge of a "normal" reading but I certainly don't feel normal. Is a constant temperature of 37.2 indicative of anything and is there anything I can do to lower my temperature on a permanent basis?

I'd assume this is normal, the normal range is 36.8 ± 0.7°C. I got that information from Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal_body_temperature). However, I doubt you are in any immediate danger. Maybe just go to the doctor and see what they have to say about it. There may be a simple solution to the problem.

14-09-09, 14:42
Thankyou for replying to my thread.
My temp at rest is always 37.2, if i do anything from washing the dishes to vacumming the floors it goes up higher.
I always feel hot and uncomfortable.
I do suffer from anxiety.
Its not that i'm concentrating on it and then my temp goes up but that my temp is always at this elevated level.
If I am feeling anxious my temp is higher than my resting temp of 37.2.
I have spoken to my gp about it and he is keeping an eye on it, trying to findout my norms and peaks etc.

15-09-09, 03:46
Every person is so different - as I have gotten older I have had issued with my body temp going up. With me it is a combination of getting older and anxiety all mixed together! Doesn't make it any more comfortable though....

16-09-09, 01:47
It could be hyperthyroidism ... I had the same symptoms - it's called heat intolerance - you feel hot too easily, and sweaty. The thyroid controls your body temperature. That's why you could feel hot even though you don't actually have a fever on the thermometer. It is actually a good thing as if you don't have a real fever it means that you don't have a lot of nasty other diseases that give you a real fever. Go see your Dr!