View Full Version : crossed eyed

anxious elephant999
14-09-09, 14:24
Hi i suffer from constant dizziness but somehow it can become less as the day goes on (sometimes ) but i can be on laptop or just reading then my eyes go all funny feels like ive gone cross eyed and then i get the adrenaline rush through me , has anyone else had this :ohmy:

14-09-09, 15:18
Have you have your eyes tested recently?

anxious elephant999
14-09-09, 15:55
yes in may or june of this year , when i say i go cross eyed i dont mean i stay like it , it only lasts a few seconds but i get that awful surge of adrenaline at the same time which then freaks me out even more :ohmy:

14-09-09, 16:14
Sound like its all part of the dizzyness
i get the dizzyness quite bad which makes me start to think im going to have a full panic attack
so the feeling just grows the good old cycle of panic starts

anxious elephant999
14-09-09, 16:28
Hi panic over do you feel sick with your dizziness

14-09-09, 16:36
Sometimes if its a bad one

How about you

anxious elephant999
14-09-09, 16:52
yes i do some days more than others, today being a bad day and i feel awful and so anxious and seems to be constant adrenaline surges which i cant stop , do you get the adrenaline surges

14-09-09, 16:58
Yes they seems to come on in waves and all i seem to be able to do is sit there and wait for them
Seems like we have similar symptoms
so i feel for you as i know how bad it is

anxious elephant999
14-09-09, 17:21
Do you get very anxious with it , and depressed ive had this for over a year and am more or less housebound and sometimes bedbound , .How did yours start was it through anxiety and how long you had it :hugs:

14-09-09, 21:39
I have had panic attacks for around ten years without really knowing what they were, I used to put the light headed feelings and dizzyness down to seasonal anxiety disorder (SAD) as it seemed worse during the winter it was not until about May this year i got really bad, found it hard to go out anywhere woke up dizzy and shaking and went to bed the same.
I forced myself to go and have some CBT which has started to help and i now try and challenge myself a little everyday and it is helping the anxiety to fade. I must say it has been the scariest time of my life i have ended up having 2 ECG tests and it got so bad one evening i called an ambulace, i was convinced i was having a heart attack, the worst part was feeling so alone as no one around me could really understand how i felt, i still have the dizzyness and the anxiety but i am learning to not be so scared of them, i think when you feel like we do its hard to find someone that can genuinely support you through it.

Sorry to rant on


anxious elephant999
15-09-09, 13:57
i understand mate ive just managed to go to my mum and dads for half hour but felt crap then had to go in 2 shops but while i was in there i went really dizzy and like i couldnt see properly then i got a major adrenaline surge that scares me to death ,this happened three times in the space of 10 minutes if this just happenedd when i went out then i would 100%know it was just anxiety but this happens when im in the house too so im not convinced this is just anxiety i really think its something else ,if i 100% knew it was anxiety i think could tackle it easier :hugs:

15-09-09, 13:59
Some of my worst moments have been inside, too much time to think maybe

anxious elephant999
15-09-09, 14:14
do you really think mines anxiety :ohmy:

15-09-09, 15:56
It sounds exactly like mine

You say you have had it for a year so how much worse has it got and what has actually happened apart from the dizzyness and anxiety

anxious elephant999
15-09-09, 16:13
i worry constantly about any little symptons i get , i worry when my daughter is at school in case im really ill and have to go to hospital and theres nobody to fetch her , i worry if im in the car with my husband and we crash , i worry in case something happens to my husband and im left alone to cope with my illness ,basicaaly i worry about everything , i have intrusive thiughts about killing myself , i dont want to just scared i will in a moment of madness , i worry that im going mad , i sometimes think i dont love my daughter and worry i will harm her , im scared of feeling ill , im scared of having those panic feelings , im scared of the dizziness , idont like going to sleep coz i know im going to wake up feeling scared ,im scared to go out im scared to be alone ,people keep telling me not o worry as ive never collasped but every time i get the dizziness and panic feelings then i think im going to :ohmy:

15-09-09, 16:15
God you sound like i was!!!!!!!!!!!

Has any of the things you worry about actually happend??

anxious elephant999
15-09-09, 16:25
Erm no only the dizziness and panic feelings i get constantly,where are you from mate

15-09-09, 16:30
Im from Grays in Essex

Thats a start then that none of your fears have come true
that must be some comfort

you can beat this x

anxious elephant999
15-09-09, 16:36
do you really think i can coz i dont if i cant get rid of the dizziness then the anxiety wont go , and if the anxiety is causing the dizziness then its just a roundabout i cant get off , thanx for all your replies :hugs:

15-09-09, 16:40
Im convinced you can
As you say it is a constant cycle that need breaking
start by remembering that NONE of your fears have happened
you have NEVER passed out,
Caffine is a big problem for me with dizzyness i now only drink caffine free tea anything else starts the shakes

anxious elephant999
15-09-09, 16:47
I do drink alot of tea do you really think this could be making me dizzy ,by the way dont mean to be rude but how old are you , im 39 and live in nottingham:hugs:

15-09-09, 16:49
Hi im 46 and the names Marc

As i said if i have a strong tea or a coffee or cola or even chocolate in fact just about anything that contains caffine i get the dizzies and shakes

anxious elephant999
15-09-09, 16:56
OMG what no chocolate bars well that will kill me if nothing else does what do you do if you really fancy a chocolate bar then do you eat something else or suffer the dizziness :ohmy:

15-09-09, 16:58
Now i know that the dizzyness in anoying but not harmful i suffer the dizzyness, i do find dark chocolate is better for some reason

anxious elephant999
15-09-09, 17:05
well marc think its time i got some decaffinated tea and coffee and layed off the choc for a bit thanx for all your advice :)

anxious elephant999
15-09-09, 17:07
By the wayMarc mt name is Stephanie , but prefer to be called Steph

15-09-09, 17:07
No Probs Steph

Take care hope it works and you feel bettter x

anxious elephant999
15-09-09, 17:09
Same to you marc:)

15-09-09, 17:11
chat tomorrow
Feel free to send me a private message if you need to

anxious elephant999
15-09-09, 17:34
Thank you x:hugs: