View Full Version : moles? very scared

14-09-09, 15:04
I think there's something wrong with my mum. She has this spot at the back of her neck which she thinks might be a mole but she's not sure, she says it's recently gotten itchy and it's all red and yellow, like a cut would look like, with a pink ring around it. I'm so scared, I don't want anything to happen to her, she's the only person I've got in the world and she's my best friend, please help, I'm so scared.:weep:

14-09-09, 15:15

Maybe its just a harmless itchy skin complaint?

If you have health anxiety you might be jumping to scarey conclusions that you dont need to.

I do this all the time with loved ones....not good cos it freaks them out and then they have to worry about me instead!!

Dont worry, could be lots of harmless things im sure


14-09-09, 15:16
I know I thinkI am just jumping to conclusions, trying to get her to make an appointment to see doctor but she's not at all worried about it and as she already has an appt for a week on wed she says she can wait til then, I think I'll have gone crazy with worry by that point!

14-09-09, 15:55
I wish this was just a bad dream, that I could wake up tommorow and realise there is nothing wrong, this is the most worried I've been in a long time :(

14-09-09, 16:03

watch that ou don't worry too much about this because it can set off your own health anxiety even if they find there is nothing wrong with her.

Deep breath. Find comfort in the fact that she already has an appointment booked for next Wednesday, and she will be in a safe hands of a doctor, who will know what it is. Since she will definitely see a doc about it, you have no reason to worry until next Wed. Try not to think about it until then, and tell yourself that you can deal with the matter next week.

Even skin cancer doesn't move that fast. And it can be treated. So please feel better! :hugs:
