View Full Version : Headache for over a month and now feeling very sick....

sarah jayne
14-09-09, 16:07
Hi, ive had a headache for over a month now, the doctor thinks its a tension headache. Today ive also felt very sick, im really worried, can tension headaches cause sickness ?:blush:

14-09-09, 16:27
Hi Sarah Jayne, Im no expert on headaches what so ever, i do get headaches quite often due to stress and tension, and ive had them last for along time. B4 i started to worry about my health i didnt really take much notice of them and carried on as normal, but now im suffering health anxiety i find that even a simple headache triggers my anxiety and i develop alot more symptoms with it eg, feeling sick, funny vision and stiff neck, which then leads to me thinking "brain tumor" or other related things. So i think what im trying to say is that obviously your pro longed headache is making you more anxious by the day, so the more anxious u get the more physical symptoms you are going to get and so the circle continues!!! I hope you start to feel better soon, and easier said than done i know, but try not to worry. take care, Debs xx

14-09-09, 16:51
Hello Sarah Jayne :)

I suffered from terrible headaches due to anxiety, i suffered for around 3 months and then they eased up, i tried my best to relax booked a holiday and it seemed to do the trick!! i only get them occasionally now.

Anxiety also makes me feel sick at times to :( i know how frustrating it can be, try to relax and not to worry xx

14-09-09, 17:09
Hi there Sarah
yes me too, ive gone through stages where ive been getting headaches everyday I was feeling sick with them too.., for me, the sickness was due to my panic I believe..eventually they stopped and I immediately started dizzy spells...that was over a year ago and all turned out just fine...I was probably stressed at the time and that was what was causing it..Im sure you have nothing to worry about too...take care..x

sarah jayne
15-09-09, 19:38
Thanks for your replies ! Im trying not to be anxious but its hard. I dont think i could cope with it for 3 months, its been hard enough having it for a month...
Im glad you both not suffering with headaches now and it reassures me that you suffered with a headache but your now fine. I hope mine goes soon..xxx

15-09-09, 19:44
Sarah - look up Anx mum's post as well as she posts daily about her headaches.

anx mum
15-09-09, 21:18
hi sarah yeah i too im getting these awful heads so ur not on your own if u wanna chat u on msn? Bev

15-09-09, 21:27
Hi Sarah, I was suffering terribly last month with headaches, only on the left side of my head and the pain was so intense it sometimes took my breath away or made me wince in pain. I went to the doctor deeply concerned that I had a brain tumour or was about to suffer an aneurysm because the headaches were there from when I got up in the morning to when I went to bed at night. I was feeling sick, dizzy and felt my vision was affected. He told me it was just tension headaches and down to my anxiety, nothing else. I couldn't believe it, I accused him of putting everything down to my anxiety and was certain that he was wrong. Then after a few days, when I began to feel more calm the headaches subsided and so far I haven't had anymore. I hope you feel better soon