View Full Version : Hi everyone.

14-09-09, 17:38
I will soon be 50 and did not realize that or worry about it until an accumulation of matters brought it to a head: deaths, overwork, demanding too much of myself, sometimes a sense of anomie as a foreigner, family problems and living with very noisy neighbours. But I do realize and acknowledge that from about the age of 8 I started developing signs of a growing OCD and a tendency to be melancholic. These worsened until I had a "breakdown" a few years ago, was off work for a few months and on treatment for depression. I seemed to be back on track until a year ago when I had a few frightening panic attacks. Recently I have been thinking that I have only 15 years of work left and this unconsciously has made me want to do a lot of things, too many things. I saw a psychotherapist for years and resolved many important matters with her. My GP prescribed me ansiolitics which I have been taking for nearly four years. She also spends a lot of her limited time talking to me. I have just "crashed" again and despair at the thought of another few months of Prozac-type treatment, and am looking for a C.B. therapist, with whom I want to discuss, as I have with my doctor and formerly with my psychotherapist, my substance-taking habits i.e. small amounts of alcohol every day (say, a 250ml glass of wine or beer with meals, and also marihuana. Both professionals, as well as a doctor friend of mine, feel that the amount I consume is insignificant and do not contribute to my anxiety or melancholy. Some websites condemn these substances outright. I would like to know what other people think. Apart from this I am healthy "physically", as regular check-ups have shown. I feel healthy, am strict about what I eat (no junk food, loads of fruit and vegetables, no meat or chicken but plenty of fresh fish, lots of water, no tea or coffee) and have regular exercise. I look forward to reading other people's opinions.

14-09-09, 18:10
Hi Duncan

and welcome- I have to say in the sort time I've been here I've been made to feel very welcome, on the forums but also in private messages.

well done in posting so honestly and coherently about what you've been going through.

if nothing more, you'll find understanding listeners here, but also people with quite a lot of insight.

14-09-09, 20:19
Hi, :welcome:

From reading you post it seems to be a great positive that you can now see, the sort of events that may have led to some of the anxiety. In my case I found this very painful, & never wanted to think back. I was frightened to dredge up all of those feelings. In hindsight, maybe that attitude did not help me.

Well done Duncan and i'm sure this forum will be of help to you.

All the best :)
