View Full Version : Overcoming Brain Tumor (or other health anxiety) Fears

14-09-09, 18:22
I know a lot of people here deal with the fear of brain tumors, among other things. For me, a brain tumor is probably my biggest HA issue. I don't usually worry about other diseases, but for some reason this issue freaks me out.

Part of the problem is that I interpret so many things in light of it. Here's a list of some of the things that cause or have caused me to worry about a tumor:

- Typing/Saying something incorrectly
- Forgetting something (like a movie star's name, or basically anything)
- Any form of headache
- Anxiety, panic attacks, and associated symptoms (feeling faint, flushed, etc.)
- Brain zaps
- Being tired
- Bad dreams
- Any weird eye-related issues
- Getting upset
- Feeling jittery (start fearing I'll have a seizure)
- Someone even mentioning the words "brain tumor" (hearing it in the news, seeing it in a movie or tv show, etc.)

These are just some of the issues I have dealt with. Now, when I say these have caused me concern, I don't mean they happen often - in fact almost all of them are rare occurrences. For instance, I very rarely deal with headaches (knock on wood!), anything I forget is usually something stupid that I have no reason to remember anyway, etc. But in my mind they turn out to be something bigger, and it causes me to freak out about it. Probably the most annoying thing is fearing even hearing someone talk about brain tumors because I see it as a sign of me having one. Despite knowing from a logical position that I really have nothing to be concerned about, it still is just so hard to let go. It's hard to honestly let myself recognize that I do not have a brain tumor.

I've gone to the doctor and talked about things - got a physical, blood work, etc. I've been to the eye doctor, and other than needing glasses, my eyes and all of that are totally normal. I will say I've never had an CT or MRI scan, but realistically, my fear is so bogus I'm not sure it would help in the long run. It would give me short term relief, but I'd eventually go back to worrying about it, so I feel like the risk and/or cost involved would just be a waste anyway.

I look forward to the day when I can just be normal about this kind of stuff. It stresses me out, leads to further anxiety issues which only worry me more, and sometimes it even causes stress in relationships. I don't sit around worrying about it all day long exactly, but I feel like it's often there in the back of my mind just waiting to pop up again, and that just gets old.

So the question I'd like to pose to anyone out there who has this type of fear too is this - how do we get over it? How does one let go of an irrational fear and just go back to enjoying life and not freaking out about everything? Has anyone found anything helpful in overcoming their fear of brain tumors (or any other disease they tend to freak out about)? What has worked for you in just letting go of all the anxiety and fear?


14-09-09, 18:28
i used to have health anxiety when i was younger. for me - it was when i found out people who i knew who had died or had been diagnosed with something serious. my step mother by the way is awaiting results for a scan which found a lump in her brain that could be a tumour. these kind of things give me a good shake up and realise how lucky i am to be healthy. the ridiculous thing is - is that it is often the things that we DON@T worry about that happen to us. i know its easy to say but no one knows whats around the corner and worrying is pointless. a couple we know went out to celebrate her birthday locally last week and were both killed in a car crash on the way back from their meal. sorry if this sounds a negative and frank post but basically its time we enjoyed every minute and save the worry for when things really do go wrong!

14-09-09, 18:36
I think that's part of what bothers me so much ... just realizing that I don't have control. That's probably why the brain tumor thing is such an issue because I feel like it's such a random, weird thing and so serious and all, too. I'm pretty young (26) and I know the odds are obviously in my favor, but I still tend to worry about these kinds of things.

Anyway, yeah it definitely is easy to say that worry is pointless. I know it is ... but recognizing it and acting on it are two different things. How does one act upon that recognition?

14-09-09, 18:41
i still have problems with this atm, but 1 problem i had that used to worry me was always thinking i couldn't remember what i did yesterday or the day before that, eventually i would remember what i did and sometimes i couldn't.

The only way i got over that particular problem was thinking to myself - how often do you really think about what you did the other day? Most people i know have problems remembering what they did, ate, said etc etc.

14-09-09, 18:42
hi - i still worry a lot but if i find myself worrying too much i make a conscious decision to either do something about it or keep busy. i think its generally gettin the adrenalin levels down that helps too. my aunty actually died of a brain tumour and she practically had no symptoms at all before diagnosis. my step mum is awaiting test results to see if she has a brain tumour.

i am a mega headache sufferer but headaches are actually one of the least common symptom of a braintumour - so do you see how we can worry about things that wouldn't even indicate a tumour!

the thing is - you could worry all day about a brain tumour and get something else instead or be run over by a bus! its not really a brain tumour that freaks you out (although no one would like to have one!) its just a focus for you anxiety.

14-09-09, 18:50
i find i worry about it now because i had a friend in school who had a brain tumor when he was 11, he survived and was fine, although he was blind in one eye, so it does give me hope that even if i do have a brain tumor, it doesn't mean it'll kill you.

I know that's abit of a double edged sword but it does seem to help me sometimes.

14-09-09, 19:05
For me it has usually helped when I can just be reassured by someone that my symptom has a benign cause. For example, going to the doc and him not being concerned about a tumor, or going to the eye doctor and him not seeing anything he's concerned about, and even just seeing people on here dealing with the same or similar symptoms, and knowing they are fine - all of that really helps me out.

I think for me I really need to not let my physical symptoms freak me out so much, because then they do become a bigger deal in my mind, which leads to more anxiety, which leads to more physical symptoms, etc. If I can stop things while I'm ahead, it really makes life so much more enjoyable.

Part of the issue too, I think, is that I have an overactive imagination. This is good in some ways - it allows me to be very creative. But it also allows these fears to be more vivid in my mind. Controlling my imagination is probably another way I can take control of this particular anxiety issue.

14-09-09, 19:07
Hi there.

It's nice to know I'm not alone with this fear! I have had headaches for many years and basically have come to the conclusion that it's part of who I am. However, about 3 weeks ago I had a funny turn whilst driving home, in that a kind of blackness started to come over me and I thought I was going to collapse or faint (having never fainted before). I didn't faint and, to cut a long story short, ended up going to hospital as a friend took my blood pressure and said I should go. My blood pressure at the time was about 180/100 but not sure whether this was due to the fact that I was panicking like crazy, convinced I was about to die. Since then it has been fairly steady at about 138/90 ish. I am currently taking some medicine from my herbalist and hope this will help.

However, I have had a couple more similar episodes. One last week in which my head went swimmy but I didn't get the blackness. And then today, again while driving home, my heart felt like it had skipped a beat and thudded for a few seconds. I used to get panic attacks years ago but I went to the doctor's last week, after my second episode, and told him I was convinced I had a brain tumour. He told me I didn't have one and I asked him how he could be sure, to which he replied I would have other symptoms. I went to the opticians on Saturday and all the tests they did were fine. I am due to go to see a neurologist just to check out my headaches. I think the doctor is not overly concerned as my headaches have been happening for a while now. It's just these funny spells that are worrying me and now I'm thinking have I got a problem with my heart, although I had an ECG at the hospital which was fine and also an ECG last week which again was fine.

I have been under considerable stress for the last 16 months, having gone through a relationship break up, being thrown out of the house, and having to finish getting my house renovated. I have not looked after myself properly and am taking this as a wake up call. I have not had a cole or anything in this time which is most unusual and I think it's only now that I am nearing completing my house that my body is relaxing and now giving way to all these horrible symptoms.

I am trying to relax and am hoping to start yoga/meditation. I have always been a very anxious person, but it is nice to know I'm not on my own although I wouldn't wish this on anybody! Due to my stress, my blood pressure has been a little higher since about April so I'm wondering if the high blood pressure is causing my headaches. It's just so scary when I get these episodes but I guess all the pressure and stress I have been experiencing are to blame.

Good luck to everyone on this site and if anyone has any good advice, please let me know.

Many thanks.

15-09-09, 03:45
Thanks for that, Missy - I agree, it's very nice to know you're not alone. Not that you want others to deal with it, but knowing you're not a freak is certainly comforting! :)

It really is amazing how much stress can do to a person. My grandfather's wife has been dealing with alzheimer's for a couple of years now, and it has had noticeable effects on his health, including his blood pressure. Obviously those stresses of life can do all sorts of things to your body, which in turn causes you to notice all sorts of symptoms. I just try to remind myself that if the doctor isn't concerned about it, I shouldn't be either.

I think really though I do just need to let it go. I mean, it's hard, but I think that may be the only option. You just have to say "you know what? you're fine!" and be happy with it. Enjoy life! Perhaps it goes along with the old saying, "fake it til you make it." Maybe it's hard to accept at first, but perhaps making a conscious decision to reject that thought when it comes will help actually make it go away entirely.

But it does help too, to have places like this where we can be reassured by others that they face these kinds of symptoms and that they do not have some serious illness. I know it helps calm me down for sure. :)

16-09-09, 17:52
Re: Brain Tumor
Ditto ditto ditto Ikimasu. My worst fear ever, don,t know why but its a constant worry for me. Had MRI scan 2 yrs ago- all fine. Now if i worry, i think that was 2 yrs ago maybe there is 1 there now. How daft am i ... xxx

16-09-09, 22:58
Same thats my fear now, after getting over my lung cancer fear coz of breathing difficulty, had a ECG blood tests and a chest x-ray all clear so then i thought of tumor looked up the symptoms and think have one now, i think well i aint had a CT scan of the head so i must have one just shows if your test is clear like my other ones you will find something new and worry about that.

17-09-09, 00:06
I am exactly the same. I have been like this for 18 months - I had a ct scan 18months ago but I am the same as Jyellowhat, I just think oh that was then and this is now. My symptoms are very physical which keeps my fear going ie headaches, blurred vision, forgetfulness. But lately I have been coping much better-I had some counselling and had some useful phrases planted into my subconcious mind such as 'we all gotta go one day' 'no point in worrying just enjoy yourself' 'if you do go young your kids will be looked after' etc which is where my fear started - I have a 2yr old daughter and it was the sudden thought that one day i might die and leave her. My breakdown started there- I am now currently 3 weeks from giving birth but I think more about brain tumors than I do about my labour which is shameful but something out of my control. When I was at my worst my friend was diagnosed with a brain tumor which prolonged my anxiety and delayed my recovery further. I wish for one day to be able to go back to how I used to be- its a slow climb but like I said I am getting better. I feel comfort when I see elderly people-that sounds strange but I look at them and think to myself 'see, they have made it. They have achieved what I want to achieve-old age! Thats all I want, to see my kids grow up

17-09-09, 02:24
I know how you guys feel... always worrying about something. Like I said with my stuff, my "symptoms" aren't really anything anyway, from a rational standpoint. My "forgetfulness" is nothing more than me not remembering some movie star's name. One of the eye issues I worried about was just having a slightly bad prescription in one lens. So on and so forth with basically everything.

What comforts me and helps me not to worry is just to realize how healthy I am. I went to the doctor and got a physical, and nothing he saw or noticed worried him. I went to the eye doctor, and nothing he saw worried him. So the few things I feel are either totally benign, or else at worst they are anxiety related. I also know that most of the symptoms I have had I can control by simply exerting the mental effort. Beyond that I try to remember that the statistics are well in my favor - I actually did the math, and there's well under a percent chance (like .0001% I think, or something crazy low like that).

The problem for me here is that I let myself imagine all sorts of scenarios that involve something awful, instead of letting myself imagine happy things. The weird thing is, other things don't freak me out, or if they do I can basically let them go without trouble.

I have considered getting a CT or MRI, and I know the results would probably make me feel better right then (although even that's not assured, because I might start worrying that they missed something). But again, the cost would be pretty great (especially here in the U.S. with my insurance plan), and I would just go back to worrying later on. So for me, unless the doc says I need to get one, I don't see a reason to get one. My issue isn't knowledge to begin with.:blush:

17-09-09, 06:10
I think about this many times. I wonder.. because I seem to have symptoms.. I don't worry about it as much as other things but I do think about it. I have read that brain tumors are pretty rare. The symptoms are very obvious and they don't go away.. Also you have a tendency when you have a brain tumor to have a don't care attitude about most things.. I mean this in a BIG way.. But its only what I have read so im quoting. Im not a doctor.. But I have read many many things that suggest that its pretty remote chances of getting a brain tumor.. For our sake I hope they are correct..

17-09-09, 17:22
Given the stats I've seen, yeah, it's very rare. Like I said, I've done the math and your chances are well below a percent chance, and that's including all types of them - even ones that have spread from other cancers. :)

anxious elephant999
17-09-09, 18:10
Hi i to think ive got a brain tumour because of the constant dizziness i have even though iv had a MRI scan on my brain that came back ok , and the docs say its anxiety i still cannot believe i havnt got one , i think theyve missed something or not looked at it properly , i really thought having the scan would help me get over the anxiety and thought the dizziness would stop if i thought i didnt have a tumour but o no i still have dizziness and still have severe anxiety

18-09-09, 00:30
The only way I overcame this was by getting an MRI. I still have my moments as don't have a diagnosis, but this fear was totally consuming my life and has now subsided. I know this isn't for everyone, but it was the best £200 I spent

18-09-09, 08:02
Hi i to think ive got a brain tumour because of the constant dizziness i have even though iv had a MRI scan on my brain that came back ok , and the docs say its anxiety i still cannot believe i havnt got one , i think theyve missed something or not looked at it properly , i really thought having the scan would help me get over the anxiety and thought the dizziness would stop if i thought i didnt have a tumour but o no i still have dizziness and still have severe anxiety

If you had a brain tumour they would see it. I have seen my MRI results and the tumour stands out like a beacon in the night.

18-09-09, 19:09
Fairylove, yeah ... I mean, I've really considered doing the MRI thing, but the problem is here in the US with the way insurance is and all, it would probably end up costing me $1000 or more. Now, if I really had a reason to be concerned, or if the doctor did, I definitely would do it. But since no one has any concern, and especially since I realize rationally I don't actually have symptoms, it would be way too much money to make my family take on, just so I could get some peace of mind.

Of course, it's easier for me than some because it hasn't taken over my life, thankfully. I do freak out sometimes, but it's more just a nuisance I guess you could say than something that plagues me constantly. And I think that I would be better off learning to let it go without the expense, than taking the expense and making a habit of doing that any time I start worrying about something. :)

22-09-09, 23:22
ikimasu, i hear you. CBT is slowly but surely helping me .. try it!! everything else is just a short term fix.